Tucker Carlson’s replacement invited his DEMOCRAT MOTHER onto his FIRST show

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Roughly half of Fox News’ audience said goodbye when the company fired charismatic personality Tucker Carlson, but instead of doing some damage control, Fox has decided to take a rather unconventional approach that may further ostracize its waning audience.

Jesse Watters, Tucker Carlson’s replacement, debuted his new show by calling his mother and putting her on speaker.

Perhaps some found the move charming; others, however, including Pat Gray, were definitely not impressed.

“My mom’s a Democrat, she’s a liberal, she’s pro-abortion,” Pat mocks.

Mrs. Watters did have some rather pointed advice for her son: “Let’s aim to have you keep your job,” she sneers – an apparent dig at Carlson.

“Use your voice responsibly to promote conversation that maintains a narrative thread; there really has been enough Biden bashing, and the laptop is old,” she tells her son, whose eyes are closed, fingers pressed firmly to his temples.

“Perhaps you could suggest that your people take less interest, for example, in other people’s bodies and …” but then Pat, in utter disbelief, stops the clip.

“Really?! Is that what you’re going to feature on Fox News?” he exclaims.

Keith adds, “Is this going to be a ‘let’s piss off our audience with Jesse’s mom calling in’” segment?

Not only does Pat find it a bit undignified (or in his words “lame”) for a mother to give her grown son public advice on national television, but it’s also wildly inappropriate, considering “she’s everything that [Fox News’] audience isn’t.”

“Fox may just go down that road; I wouldn’t be surprised,” Keith says.

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