Rachel Levine said climate change has 'disproportionate' impact on 'health of black communities'

[rebelmouse-proxy-image https://www.theblaze.com/media-library/image.jpg?id=51491967&width=1200&height=800&coordinates=0,0,0,96 crop_info="%7B%22image%22%3A%20%22https%3A//www.theblaze.com/media-library/image.jpg%3Fid%3D51491967%26width%3D1200%26height%3D800%26coordinates%3D0%2C0%2C0%2C96%22%7D" expand=1]

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services assistant secretary for health Admiral Rachel Levine, a male who identifies as female, has claimed that "climate change is having a disproportionate effect on the physical and mental health of black communities."

"Black Americans are more likley than white Americans to live in areas in housing that increase their susceptibility to climate-related health issues." Levine said that "65% of black Americans report feeling anxious about climate change's impact."

A tweet on Rep. Byron Donalds' (R-Fl.) @RepDonaldsPress X account responded to Levine's post, declaring, "This could not be more OUT OF TOUCH," adding that Democratic policy has "Caused record inflation," "Prioritized illegals over AMERICANS," "Made our streets less safe," "Worsened the opioid crisis," and "Reduced access to capital." The tweet added, "These are the REAL issues. Let's start there."

— (@)

GOP Rep. Diana Harshbarger of Tennessee offered up a two-word take on the matter when responding to a tweet from an account that had shared the video of Levine: "Mental illness."

— (@)

"Man dressed as woman says weather is racist," Seth Dillon tweeted.

Levine has previously claimed to be the "first female four-star officer of the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps."

He has also suggested that a teen could undergo the "wrong puberty."

"What if you're going through the wrong puberty? What if you inside feel that you are female, but" are undergoing "male puberty?" Levine has asked.

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SEC chairman stunned by question about paying for Steele dossier for Hillary Clinton campaign

[rebelmouse-proxy-image https://assets.rebelmouse.io/eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpbWFnZSI6Imh0dHBzOi8vYXNzZXRzLnJibC5tcy8zMzUwMDIyNi9vcmlnaW4uanBnIiwiZXhwaXJlc19hdCI6MTc0MzQyNzg2M30.WaN6zofcCwg8sAwKfqHcAmqd_iQCShQB7LcGXRqqmTg/img.jpg?width=1024&height=652&coordinates=0,0,0,31 crop_info="%7B%22image%22%3A%20%22https%3A//assets.rebelmouse.io/eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpbWFnZSI6Imh0dHBzOi8vYXNzZXRzLnJibC5tcy8zMzUwMDIyNi9vcmlnaW4uanBnIiwiZXhwaXJlc19hdCI6MTc0MzQyNzg2M30.WaN6zofcCwg8sAwKfqHcAmqd_iQCShQB7LcGXRqqmTg/img.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1024%26height%3D652%26coordinates%3D0%2C0%2C0%2C31%22%7D" expand=1]

President Biden's Securities and Exchange Commission chairman appeared caught off guard by a Republican congressman's questions about his time on the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign. The chairman was asked if he facilitated the payment for the infamous Christopher Steele dossier.

The Steele dossier was a document procured by an British ex-spy that claimed that former President Trump had colluded with Russian interests, along with claims that he participated in lewd sex acts in Russian hotels.

As reported by the Daily Wire, House Republican Byron Donalds questioned SEC Chairman Gary Gensler about whether or not he facilitated the payment for the dossier when he worked for Clinton's campaign.

"You were Hillary Clinton's CFO in the campaign, right?" Donalds asked.

"It's part of my history —" Gensler replied before Donalds interjected, "Were you, yes or no?"

"In 2016?" Gensler clarified.

"Did you facilitate the payment for the Steele dossier since you were CFO of the Hillary Clinton campaign?” the congressman asked.

Donalds continued to ask "yes or no?" repeatedly and finlly reminded the SEC chairman that he was under oath.

"It was not something I was aware of," Gensler answered before the congressman yielded his time.

\u201cA Rockstar with a MEGA BOMBDROP emerges! @RepDonaldsPress WOWZERS!!!!\u201d
— Digital Asset Investor (@Digital Asset Investor) 1681846323

Gensler previously worked as under secretary of the Treasury for domestic finance during the Clinton presidency from 1999 to 2001. He also worked as the CFO for the Hillary Clinton 2016 presidential campaign.

The Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign were fined by the Federal Election Commission in 2022 for allegedly lying about funding the dossier. Clinton’s treasurer was fined $8,000 and the DNC’s treasurer $105,000.

The DNC paid over approximately $850,000 to Fusion GPS, the research firm behind the documents, while Clinton's campaign gave $175,000.

However, FusionGPS was originally hired by the Washington Free Beacon, according to the New York Times. The funding was provided to find dirt on several Republican candidates including Trump, but later ceased in May 2016 once it became clear that Trump was going to win the Republican nomination.

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'Uncle Tom's Cabin' sent to Republican lawmaker's DC office

[rebelmouse-proxy-image https://assets.rebelmouse.io/eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpbWFnZSI6Imh0dHBzOi8vYXNzZXRzLnJibC5tcy8zMjg3NjM2MS9vcmlnaW4uanBnIiwiZXhwaXJlc19hdCI6MTczMTIxNTM3Mn0.EC_mW-filOQLnHGlcL6NUMxaM2xn2CbjOFU07priOsg/img.jpg?width=1245&height=700&coordinates=0,18,0,89 crop_info="%7B%22image%22%3A%20%22https%3A//assets.rebelmouse.io/eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpbWFnZSI6Imh0dHBzOi8vYXNzZXRzLnJibC5tcy8zMjg3NjM2MS9vcmlnaW4uanBnIiwiZXhwaXJlc19hdCI6MTczMTIxNTM3Mn0.EC_mW-filOQLnHGlcL6NUMxaM2xn2CbjOFU07priOsg/img.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1245%26height%3D700%26coordinates%3D0%2C18%2C0%2C89%22%7D" expand=1]

Republican Rep. Byron Donalds' Washington, D.C., office received a copy of Harriet Beecher Stowe's classic novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin."

"Today, my D.C. office received a copy of the world-renowned book "Uncle Tom's Cabin" by Harriet Beecher Stowe. Whoever sent this book did so w/ hate in their heart & the desire to depict me as a sellout," a tweet on the congressman's @RepDonaldsPress Twitter account stated.

GOP Rep. Burgess Owens of Utah called the stunt "a clear example of bullies, cowards, intellectual dwarfs and racists who thrive in the shadows of anonymity."

"'Uncle Tom’s Cabin' is a book everyone should read," Grace to You director of digital platforms Darrell B. Harrison tweeted. "Only those who are ignorant of its gospel-themed narrative would view that book with such hateful and spiteful intent as this."

\u201c\u201cUncle Tom\u2019s Cabin\u201d is a book everyone should read. Only those who are ignorant of its gospel-themed narrative would view that book with such hateful and spiteful intent as this.\u201d
— Darrell B. Harrison (@Darrell B. Harrison) 1674159144

Earlier this month, after voting twice for California Republican Kevin McCarthy to become House speaker, Donalds joined the ranks of more than a dozen GOP lawmakers who had been voting against McCarthy. In many of the voting rounds, all or some of the McCarthy opponents voted for Donalds. Donalds voted for Ohio Republican Jim Jordan on the third round, then for himself from the fourth through 11th rounds. He and many others in the group voted for McCarthy from the 12th round on, though McCarthy did not secure the speakership until the 15th round when six lawmakers voted present.

Democratic Rep. Cori Bush of Missouri called Donalds "a prop."

"FWIW, @ByronDonalds is not a historic candidate for Speaker. He is a prop. Despite being Black, he supports a policy agenda intent on upholding and perpetuating white supremacy. His name being in the mix is not progress—it's pathetic," Bush tweeted.

"FWIW, nobody asked @CoriBush her opinion on the matter. Before you judge my agenda, let's have a debate over the policies and the outcomes. Until then, don't be a crab in a barrel!" Donalds tweeted.

Donalds, a Florida Republican, has served as a U.S. congressman since 2021.

\u201cFWIW, nobody asked @CoriBush her opinion on the matter. Before you judge my agenda, let's have a debate over the policies and the outcomes. Until then, don't be a crab in a barrel!\u201d
— Byron Donalds (@Byron Donalds) 1672875094

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Democrat Rep. Nydia Velázquez describes Christopher Columbus as a 'genocidal maniac' on Columbus Day

On the annual Columbus Day federal holiday, Democratic Rep. Nydia Velázquez of New York described the Italian explorer as "a genocidal maniac."

"Today should just be #IndigenousPeopleDay. And yet this day is still shared with a genocidal maniac. We need to take this time to reflect on the brutal history of violence against Indigenous peoples in America and recognize that there is still a lot of work to repair this harm," the congresswoman's tweet declared.

Today should just be #IndigenousPeopleDay.And yet this day is still shared with a genocidal maniac.We need to t… https://t.co/DrSjp8pWUz

— Rep. Nydia Velazquez (@NydiaVelazquez) 1633957202.0

President Joe Biden put forward the first presidential proclamation of Indigenous Peoples' Day, and he also issued a proclamation of Columbus Day.

Legislation has been proposed to officially change Columbus Day into Indigenous Peoples' Day.

The president's Columbus Day proclamation says, "We also acknowledge the painful history of wrongs and atrocities that many European explorers inflicted on Tribal Nations and Indigenous communities."

Democratic Rep. Hakeem Jeffries of New York tweeted: "Millions of indigenous people lost their lives during the genocide committed against them in the Americas. Today we pause in solemn recognition of this human tragedy. And recommit to uplift the original occupants of this land."

But there were Republican lawmakers who made a point of marking Columbus Day.

"Today is #ColumbusDay, and nobody can rewrite history to say otherwise," tweeted Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee.

"Happy Columbus Day, yes, I said Columbus Day, like the way we've all been saying it before America went woke. Stop whitewashing history!" GOP Rep. Byron Donalds of Florida declared.

Happy Columbus Day, yes, I said Columbus Day, like the way we've all been saying it before America went woke.Stop… https://t.co/cdWtDsKX52

— Congressman Byron Donalds (@RepDonaldsPress) 1633962025.0

"It's Columbus Day," Republican Rep. Madison Cawthorn of North Carolina tweeted.

"Columbus's legacy is embodied in the spirit of our nation. Happy Columbus Day!" tweeted GOP Rep. Jim Banks of Indiana.

Rep. Byron Donalds calls for president to resign: 'Biden has lost complete and total confidence of the American people'

Freshman Rep. Byron Donalds of Florida (R) is calling for President Joe Biden to resign from office immediately.

"It has become clear that President Biden has lost complete and total confidence of the American people through this haphazard decision to withdraw from Afghanistan. This botched withdrawal is currently threatening the lives of our servicemen and women, the stability in the region, and our integrity on the global stage," the congressman said in a statement.

"As Commander-in-Chief, Biden is directly responsible for commanding our brave troops with a coherent, strategically intelligent, and sound operation that keeps our Armed Services, citizens, and allied partners out of harm's way. He has failed on all fronts," the lawmaker declared.

President Biden and his administration have been facing a chorus of criticism for bungling the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. The Taliban has swiftly seized control in the country and taken the capital city of Kabul. Chaos is unfolding amid efforts to evacuate Americans and others from the country. Weapons supplied to Afghanistan by the U.S. have fallen into the Taliban's hands.

"As an elected member of the United States House of Representatives, I swore an oath to protect our Constitution, and I take that solemn responsibility with utmost seriousness," the lawmaker's statement said. "In good faith, I cannot look my constituents in the eye, many of whom are veterans, and tell them that the President of the United States can perform the duties entrusted to him by the Constitution. Calling on the leader of the free world to resign his office immediately weighs heavy on my heart, but this must happen to restore American's safety both at home and abroad, our honor, and faith in the Chief Executive to faithfully execute the duties of the Presidency."

While some on Twitter agreed with the lawmaker's statement, others criticized Donalds.

"You are 100% correct on all fronts. I'm a vet and I'm absolutely sick over this," a tweet said.

@RepDonaldsPress You are my congressmen (239) You are 100% correct on all fronts. I'm a vet and I'm absolutely sick over this.

— AshaMan⚓ (@AshMan49824745) 1629739113.0

"Thank you for standing up for our troops and our nation!" another tweet declared.

"If he refuses to resign, impeach him. He is unfit for office," another tweet said.

"Lol. You just look foolish. Trying to grasp some headlines?" someone tweeted.

"Disgusting pandering here. Have you no shame? Never mind. You're a Republican. I answered my own question," another tweet said.