'Snow White' actress says backlash over woke reboot was due to her 'outspokenness' — tells Latino actors to 'know their worth'

[rebelmouse-proxy-image https://www.theblaze.com/media-library/snow-white-actress-says-backlash-over-woke-reboot-was-due-to-her-outspokenness-tells-latino-actors-to-know-their-worth.jpg?id=50311457&width=1024&height=636&coordinates=0,16,0,31 crop_info="%7B%22image%22%3A%20%22https%3A//www.theblaze.com/media-library/snow-white-actress-says-backlash-over-woke-reboot-was-due-to-her-outspokenness-tells-latino-actors-to-know-their-worth.jpg%3Fid%3D50311457%26width%3D1024%26height%3D636%26coordinates%3D0%2C16%2C0%2C31%22%7D" expand=1]

Actress Rachel Zegler, who played the title character in Disney's remake of "Snow White," said that performers need to be "fearless and loud" and that backlash she received was a product of her "outspokenness."

Zegler was recently listed as a trailblazer for Latino actors and actresses when she gave the comments, Bounding into Comics reported.

As part of the "Latino Power List 2023," Zegler wasted no time expressing that she believes actors from a similar background face obstacles in being heard.

"It’s an honor to be recognized in a way that both celebrates our heritage and lifts up the contributions we all make to this industry, where it can be particularly hard for us to be seen and heard in a meaningful way."

“I still don’t think I’m quite ready for the life I already have, despite being extremely grateful for it and for every opportunity it has brought me,” she told the Wrap. Zegler also reportedly mentioned to the outlet how a new generation of young girls seeing a Latina Snow White was incredibly important, with the site describing it as "revolutionary."

Zegler continued the race-based advice column by downplaying the backlash she received from her remarks regarding the Disney reboot. The actress chalked up the public's resentment to her "outspokenness."

“To young Latino performers coming up in the industry, I would tell them to know their worth and to make sure they’re loud about having seats at the tables they deserve to be at,” she said. “I have learned the hard way that we have to be fearless and loud in order to be heard and to prepare for the backlash that occasionally comes with that outspokenness.”

The young actress infamously referred to the Prince Charming character as a stalker while speaking to media at a Disney event.

"The original cartoon came out in 1937, and very evidently so," Zegler said. "There's a big focus on her love story with a guy who literally stalks her. Weird. Weird. So we didn't do that this time."

"We have a different approach to what I'm sure a lot of people will assume is a love story just because we, like, cast a guy in the movie," the 22-year-old added.

It just gets worse and worse....

The new Snow White says that the Prince was a creepy stalker and suggests that all scenes of the Prince could be cut

She’s a walking PR disaster for Disney pic.twitter.com/7QJGDIx5er
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) August 13, 2023

The movie received a different type of backlash from actor Dylan Postl, who made several talk-show appearances criticizing the production for not casting any dwarf actors.

"These are roles made for actors of my stature. ... I can't go for the Harrison Ford or the George Clooney roles," Postl explained.

"These are roles made for actors of my stature... I can't go for the Harrison Ford or the George Clooney roles."

Dylan Postl thinks the casting of the live action Snow White And The Seven Dwarves is the opposite of progressive.@DylanPostl | @piersmorgan | @TalkTV | #PMU pic.twitter.com/yvsgnw2fPl
— Piers Morgan Uncensored (@PiersUncensored) July 17, 2023

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Piers Morgan lauds Musk's Twitter purchase after Musk pans 'woke mind virus': He is a 'flag-bearer' for free speech

Fox Nation host Piers Morgan spoke up in support of Elon Musk's Twitter purchase on Monday and said that such a move is good because Musk is a "flag-bearer" for free speech.

Musk acquired Twitter on Monday for $44 billion.

What's a brief history here?

Beyond the Twitter sale, Musk most recently made headlines for saying he believed Netflix was nosediving because it succumbed to the "woke mind virus."

He wrote, "The woke mind virus is making Netflix unwatchable."

The Tesla and SpaceX CEO added that he believed the "virus" was perhaps the biggest threat to modern civilization — a notion with which Morgan agreed on Monday.

What are the details?

During Monday's broadcast of "Fox & Friends," Morgan said, "Elon Musk is an absolute flag-bearer for free speech. He talks about this woke mindset virus. And think he is right. It is a virus. If you go around wanting to destroy everything that gets in your way that you don’t agree with, then you become a really dangerous thing in a society."

He added that Musk will be instrumental in returning free speech to the social media platform, and pointed out what he said was a double standard of banning former President Donald Trump from the platform while the likes of Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Taliban are still permitted to use their accounts.

"How can that be right? How can it be justified?" he mused. "A social media platform allows them accounts, but bans Donald Trump. So I think you will see if Elon Musk takes control, I think you’ll see a much more tolerant view of all manner of people’s ... right to free speech, not just on the left but also on the right, who tend to be the only people that get no-platformed by Twitter and Facebook."

.@piersmorgan supports @elonmusk's potential takeover of Twitter: "Elon Musk wants to return free speech."pic.twitter.com/JOko993mSr
— MRCTV (@MRCTV) 1650889585

Medical journal says 'bodies with vaginas' instead of 'women' in report on menstruation. Social media takes them to the woodshed.

A famed medical journal has sparked outrage with its insistence on de-sexing women and instead, referring to them as "bodies with vaginas."

Following the outcry, the journal's editor-in-chief issued what was apparently supposed to be an apology, but focused on the transgender community instead.

What are the details?

The Daily Mail on Sunday reported that the Lancet prompted fury with its "dehumanizing" and "sexist" front-page remarks, which described females as "bodies with vaginas" rather than "women" in apparent attempt to appease the transgender lobby.

An early September article, titled "Periods on Display," addressed what the outlet said were "the taboos and history of periods" at the Vagina Museum in London.

The article's writer, according to the outlet, used the word "women" to describe females, but also used the term "bodies with vaginas."

The front page of the Sept. 25 issue said, "Historically, the anatomy and physiology of bodies with vaginas has been neglected."

Our new issue is here! On the cover—'Periods on display' and the cultural movement against menstrual shame and… https://t.co/sCBmeaLKBT

— The Lancet (@TheLancet) 1632484905.0

What was the response?

Some academics, according to the Daily Mail, were unhappy with the article and cover, and said that both were part of a "misguided pursuit of woke points."

Others announced that they would be canceling their subscription to the long-standing medical journal.

The Mail cited Dr. Madeleine Ní Dhálaigh, who said, "Naming women as 'bodies with vaginas' is a new low, all in the misguided pursuit of woke points. You can be inclusive without being insulting and abusive. How dare you dehumanize us with a statement like this?"

Dr. David Curtis, honorary professor of genetics at University College London, added, "Just wrote the Lancet to tell them to take me off their list of statistical reviewers and cancel my subscription and never contact me about anything ever again. Absolutely inexcusable language to refer to women and girls."

Author Susan Dalgety tweeted about the outrage, writing, "Are we just supposed to accept this? Are we extremist for objecting to women and girls being de-humanised. Are we really just 'bodies with vaginas' to medical professionals?"

@TheLancet @WHO Are we just supposed to accept this? Are we extremist for objecting to women and girls being de-hum… https://t.co/BwAlOxsGwO

— Susan Dalgety (@DalgetySusan) 1632507936.0

British broadcaster and television host Piers Morgan snapped, "'Bodies with vaginas????' What the hell are you talking about? They're called WOMEN."

‘Bodies with vaginas’ ????What the hell are you talking about? They’re called WOMEN. https://t.co/S5eYxclrCq

— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) 1632514245.0

Psychology professor Geoffrey Miller also expressed his frustrations on Twitter, and wrote, "Dehumanizing women as nothing more than 'bodies with vaginas' now seems to be the official editorial policy of the world's leading medical journal, @TheLancet."

Dehumanizing women as nothing more than 'bodies with vaginas' now seems to be the official editorial policy of the… https://t.co/3VCQcil6q5

— Geoffrey Miller (@primalpoly) 1632526317.0

Author Michael Shermer chimed in, "'[B]odies with vaginas' If only we had a word for that. @TheLancet: are there also 'bodies without vaginas' & 'bodies with penises?' Call me an old school civil rights champion but doesn't this language shift dehumanize women? Even objectify them as 'bodies' instead of persons?"

Janice Turner of the U.K.'s Times wrote, "BODIESWITHVAGINAS. Does anyone not get it yet? Erasing the word 'woman' turns us into things with holes. Yeah, tell me about that inclusivity & progress."

BODIES WITH VAGINAS. Does anyone not get it yet? Erasing the word “woman” turns us into things with holes. Yeah, te… https://t.co/kgBargIOQO

— Janice Turner (@VictoriaPeckham) 1632513852.0

Journalist Hadley Freeman added, "According to @TheLancet, humans are either men or bodies with vaginas[.]"

According to @TheLancet, humans are either men or bodies with vaginas https://t.co/0cTrj3rlsg

— Hadley Freeman (@HadleyFreeman) 1632519798.0

Anything else to know?

Lancet editor-in-chief Richard Horton on Monday issued a statement in response to the furious backlash.

"I would like to thank all those who have responded to the words on this week's Lancet cover and understand the strength of feeling it has provoked," Horton wrote. "The Lancet strives for maximum inclusivity of all people in its vision for advancing health.

"In this instance," he added, "we have conveyed the impression that we have dehumanized and marginalized women. Those who read The Lancet regularly will understand that this would never have been our intention."

Horton apologized to those readers who took offense to the cover quote, but tempered the apology by placing emphasis that "transgender health is an important dimension of modern health care."

"I apologize to our readers who were offended by the cover quote and the use of those same words in the review. At the same time, I want to emphasise that transgender health is an important dimension of modern health care, but one that remains neglected," he wrote. "Trans people regularly face stigma, discrimination, exclusion, and poor health, often experiencing difficulties accessing appropriate health care."

He continued, "The exhibition review from which The Lancet cover quote was taken is a compelling call to empower women, together with non-binary, trans, and intersex people who have experienced menstruation, and to address the myths and taboos that surround menstruation. The review, like the exhibition, puts these myths and taboos into historical context. The review calls for greater efforts to overcome the lack of knowledge and stigma too often associated with menstruation. These are serious issues that demand serious actions. We encourage people to read the full review and support a growing movement against menstrual shame and period poverty."

Piers Morgan: If you refuse COVID-19 vaccine and catch the virus, you should be denied state-funded health care and pay for it yourself

One thing you can say about Piers Morgan: He's impossible to pigeonhole into any one sociopolitical camp.

You can scream that he's a leftist for being decidedly anti-gun — but then he stands up loudly against woke culture and vigorously defends freedom of speech, views that conservatives are way more likely to share.

Now what?

Morgan once again is turning more than a few heads, not only for bashing American gymnast Simone Biles for pulling out of Olympic competition because she claimed she wasn't in the right mental place, but also for ripping unvaccinated individuals.


Yup. Morgan, in addition to being very much in favor of getting the COVID-19 shots, threw down in a big way against those who haven't yet been vaccinated.

"Those who refuse to be vaccinated, with no medical reason not to, should be refused [National Health Service] care if they then catch COVID," he tweeted Tuesday. "I'm hearing of anti-vaxxers using up [intensive care unit] beds in London at vast expense to the taxpayer. Let them pay for their own stupidity & selfishness."

Those who refuse to be vaccinated, with no medical reason not to, should be refused NHS care if they then catch cov… https://t.co/8oQHQKtoEt

— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) 1627417017.0

He preceded the aforementioned tweet with a separate shot across the bow at the vaccine-hesitant: "The furious determination of so many supposedly intelligent people to refuse to be vaccinated against COVID is staggering, incredibly stupid and deeply depressing. What the f*** is wrong with you????"

The furious determination of so many supposedly intelligent people to refuse to be vaccinated against covid is stag… https://t.co/VpJf3Ug8FP

— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) 1627416405.0

How did folks react?

As with all things Piers-related, he has himself a devoted group of loyalists — and his share of rabid critics. To wit:

"I'm double jabbed and have now been diagnosed with myocarditis. Caused by the vaccine. No one knows what the long-term effects are from this. Injured by the f***ing vaccine. I wish I'd never taken it," one commenter replied to Morgan. "So piss off trying to force ppl to take this poison."


"A highly provocative tweet, but he has a point," another user noted. "If you refuse to undertake a simple medical procedure designed to prevent the condition, I struggle to see why you deserve the time, cost and resources of something entirely self inflicted."

Here are some other reactions from both camps:

  • "I admire the writing of this tweet," another commenter declared. "Furious."
  • "Anti vaxxers['] antics will stop the world pulling us out of this pandemic," another user noted. "They all need to wake up."
  • "The vaccines work, that is proven," another commenter said. "Not 100% effective but neither are seatbelts but people still buckle up when they get in a car!"
  • "You utter fool," another user told Morgan. "Have you heard of the numbers in hospital after having had the vaccine? You are a professional propaganda merchant. And innumerate to boot."
  • "This is vile," another commenter wrote. "What about the people who've experienced serious adverse reactions to the vaccine?? What about those who've died after taking it?? You're complicit in medical apartheid. Disgusting."
  • "Shall we prevent smokers getting any cancer treatment as well then?" another user asked. "Perhaps obese people shouldn't receive any treatment for heart conditions? Everybody is aware of the risks of these and they are far greater. Moron."

Prince Harry blasted as 'f***ing woke snowflake' by rock icon Noel Gallagher for ripping Royal Family

Rock icon Noel Gallagher, formerly of hit-making band Oasis, blasted Prince Harry as a "f***ing woke snowflake" for ripping the Royal Family.

What are the details?

In an interview with the Sun, Gallagher — who led Oasis to worldwide superstardom in the '90s while feuding with his younger brother, Liam, the group's vocalist — said he sympathizes with Prince William for having a younger brother "shooting his f***ing mouth off with s**t that is just so unnecessary. I'd like to think I was always the William."

He added, "Prince William. I feel that f***ing lad's pain," the Sun noted.

Gallagher, 54, has endured many verbal shots from his younger brother, who's 46, after Oasis called it quits a decade ago, the paper said.

Which more than likely fueled Gallagher calling out "f***ing a**hole" Prince Harry for publicly "dissing your family" — and the guitarist-songwriter told him to "shut up," the paper said.

He even took a shot at the equally controversial Meghan Markle, Harry's outspoken wife, the Sun reported: "This is what happens when you get involved with Americans. As simple as that."

It's worth noting that Prince Harry also commanded top podcaster — and MMA fighter — Joe Rogan to "just stay out of it" after Rogan suggested that young people should not get the COVID-19 vaccine and soon after criticized the First Amendment as "bonkers," which drew lots of backlash.

Kudos from Piers Morgan

Outspoken British TV personality Piers Morgan — who parted ways with "Good Morning Britain" earlier this year over his criticism of Markleloved Gallagher's take:

I've always thought @NoelGallagher had his finger on the pulse of the nation's thoughts.. 😂 https://t.co/pi0shiS9RL

— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) 1623307193.0

Morgan also tweeted that Gallagher's interview with the Sun was "brilliant" and added "thank God there are still stars like @NoelGallagher who speak their mind, don't care who gets 'offended' & never whine about how awful their pampered privileged lives are. More please."

Not Gallagher's first shot across the bow

This wasn't the first time Gallagher addressed headline-grabbing subjects. Last September, he said he refused to wear masks in public and that "there's too many f***ing liberties being taken away from us now." And in 2017, he blasted the U.K. government for failing to stop terrorism.

"Our government are seemingly powerless to f***ing stop this s**t," Gallagher told the New Musical Express after a deadly bombing. "I have children, and they're growing up in London, and they take the tube, I take the tube – we all take public transport because I can't drive. And there's bombers roaming free around the whole f***ing city, and the government and the one before them and the one after that will be powerless to stop it because of some hippy ideal about people's religious beliefs."

Here's Gallagher singing one of Oasis' many hits, "Wonderwall":

Oasis - Wonderwall (live) - Later With Jools Holland - 02/12/1995youtu.be

'It's nonsense': Piers Morgan blasts policy replacing 'breastfeeding' with 'chestfeeding' in transgender-inclusive effort at UK hospital

UK talk-show host Piers Morgan tore into a transgender-inclusive policy that instructs midwives at one hospital to say "chestfeeding" instead of "breastfeeding" among other language changes.

What did he say?

Morgan — who's famously against political correctness — piped up on Wednesday's episode of "Good Morning Britain" to take issue with the story he saw reported on the front page of the Times.

"Midwives have been told to refer to 'chestfeeding' rather than 'breastfeeding' and replace the term 'mother' with 'birthing parent,'" Morgan said before reading a Twitter user's post that said, "I'm transgender myself, and Morgan is 100 percent correct. This isn't what the majority of transpeople ask for, and it hinders our rights, not helps us."

Morgan continued: "That's my point ... I want transgender people to have respect and dignity and equality. I don't think you get there by telling midwives to stop using the term 'breastfeeding' because it may upset a few people when 99% of the people in there are breastfeeding. It's nonsense, and this kind of PC-cop nonsense with the language ... it has the opposite effect to what you think it does. It annoys people ... it doesn't bring you any inclusivity. It becomes exclusive; it alienates people."

Here's the clip:

'I want transgender people to have respect, dignity and equality.'@piersmorgan responds to the reaction he has re… https://t.co/bXl9M2DoFo
— Good Morning Britain (@Good Morning Britain)1612941940.0

What else do we know about the policy?

According to the Times, Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust is the first in the country to formally implement such a policy for its maternity services department, which now will be called "perinatal services."

Staff also have to been told to replace "breastmilk" with the terms "human milk," "breast/chestmilk," or "milk from the feeding mother or parent," the paper said.

Other language changes include replacing "woman" with "woman or person" and "father" with "parent," "co-parent," or "second biological parent," depending on the circumstances, the Times reported.

What else has Morgan said?

Morgan is a classical liberal who highly values free speech and takes issue with those who try to squelch it — but he appears to have a special place in his heart for those who tout politically correct language.

In 2019, Morgan made big headlines when he lampooned the arrival of a gender-neutral penguin at London's Sea Life, which prompted the "Good Morning Britain" co-host to announce that he was now identifying as a "two-spirit penguin" — a reference to a "two-spirit person" as one of 100 genders.

Afterward, the UK's communications regulator got almost 1,000 complaints from viewers over Morgan's jab — but he was eventually cleared as the regulator, Ofcom, wouldn't investigate him.

Also in 2019, Morgan appeared on a Sunday program hosted by the Daily Wire's Ben Shapiro and ripped fellow liberals who've "become utterly, pathetically illiberal" and have embraced a "version of fascism."

And back in 2017 when violent, left-wing protests broke out over conservatives giving speeches on the campus of the University of California, Berkeley, leading the school to cancel conservative commentator and author Ann Coulter's speech over security concerns, Morgan hit back in a Daily Mail column saying that while Coulter is "a woman whose opinions I love to hate," UC Berkeley was way off base.

He wrote that the "truth about many modern liberals is that they don't believe in free speech at all" except "if people agree with them." He added that if liberals "don't like what they're hearing, they scream and shout, punch and kick, petrol bomb and stab, and furiously demand the offender be silenced and banned."

"This dramatic shift in liberal behavior from peaceful protest to violent hateful censorship is a vile, virulent virus that first infected vast swathes of America intelligentsia and has now spread across to my own country, Britain," Morgan added.