HILARIOUS: A comedian’s take on Trump vs. Biden debate

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We’ve seen a lot of reactions to last night’s presidential debate between President Joe Biden and former president Donald Trump — everything from anger to fear to complete and utter jaw-on-the-floor shock.

One reaction we did not expect to see, however, is humor.

But Dave Landau, Blaze Media’s in-house comedian and host of “Normal World,” couldn’t help but laugh throughout the entire debate. Here is his reaction to the first presidential debate of 2024 in joke format:

Dave Landau ROASTS The First Presidential Debateyoutu.be

“We did learn that [Biden’s] golf handicap is a six, even though I'm pretty sure it's dementia.”

“Also what he has in common with golf is that we've stopped counting strokes.”

“Biden also said that ‘his son was in Iraq’; well, I think he meant to say ‘was on crack.’”

“Dana Bash looks like Sarah Jessica Parker doing an impression of a pony; and Jake Tapper looks like Jamie Lee Curtis doing an impression of Fred Armisen.”

“People are wondering what drug cocktail Biden might have been on, so I'm going to guess whatever it was, it was mixed by Cosby and Justin Timberlake.”

“There's no way this wasn't set up to get him out. It was like watching Tommy at the end of ‘Goodfellas.”’

“Trump did amazing; he was very poised. every time he said ‘mandate,’ Lindsey Graham thought his dating app was going off.”

“Biden was slurring so much, I honestly thought the stage was going to get pulled over.”

“I don't know what Joe Biden was looking at, but he just looked like a fat guy that was at the Golden Corral and he was told the chocolate fountain was out of order.”

That’s just some of Dave’s hysterical commentary, though. To hear the entire take, watch the clip above.

This clip is from our CNN Presidential Debate coverage. Help us to continue to bring you programming like this by joining BlazeTV+ today. Get $30 off your first year of BlazeTV+ with code DEBATE.

Want more 'Normal World'?

To enjoy more whimsical satire, topical sketches, and comedic discussions from comedians Dave Landau and 1/4 Black Garrett, subscribe to BlazeTV — the largest multi-platform network of voices who love America, defend the Constitution, and live the American dream.

Will banning TikTok actually make a difference? 4 comedians weigh in

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As debates rage over the TikTok bill, which would force the app’s Chinese parent, ByteDance, to sell the app, people find themselves conflicted.

On one hand, TikTok allows China to collect and store Americans’ data, which could pose a national security threat. Further, it paves the way for Chinese propaganda to be fed to the American people.

On the other side of the argument are those who cite the First Amendment as proof that a ban would be unlawful. It would also kneecap millions of businesses and influencers who depend on the app for revenue.

So what’s the right answer? Here’s what four comedians have to say.

“I don’t think it’s a good platform. I don’t think it’s healthy for people, but the only reason they want to ban it is because they can’t monetize it in that short amount of time,” says Matt McClowry, who ultimately thinks the app “shouldn’t be banned.“

Dave Landau agrees – “There’s nothing behind [the ban] that is ... reasonable,” especially considering that “[China is] already taking our information” via other data sources.

Bridget Phetasy speculates that those in government who are pushing the ban are just threatened that China has some control over the narrative – “We are the ones who will be in control of the propaganda here, not you, China,” she mocks.

“I don’t want it banned,” says ¼ Black Garrett, because “[TikTok users] are just gonna flock to Twitter.”

“Somebody had a really funny underrated joke on Twitter, and they said, ‘[A ban] will solve the fast food worker shortage,”’ laughs Bridget, adding that food servers will be “popping and locking” while you’re trying to order.

“Can I get a number two when you’re done twerking?” laughs Dave.

However, censorship is another thing to consider.

“Literally, one in every two videos I post ends up getting taken down,” says Dave.

“You just have this AI robot arbitrarily deciding things are inappropriate, which is how we're gonna all die,” says Matt.

Want more 'Normal World'?

To enjoy more whimsical satire, topical sketches, and comedic discussions from comedians Dave Landau and 1/4 Black Garrett, subscribe to BlazeTV — the largest multi-platform network of voices who love America, defend the Constitution, and live the American dream.

Kate Middleton supposedly spotted over the weekend, but wild conspiracy theories continue to circulate

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After nearly four months of not being photographed, the Princess of Wales has finally been spotted, or so the U.K.’s Sun Newspaper reports.

According to various accounts, Kate and Prince William were seen shopping together at the Windsor Farm Shop over the weekend. Kate is supposedly happy and healthy following her abdominal surgery that took place in January.

But skepticism surrounding the princess’ whereabouts, her health, her marriage, and the potential the media is covering up a massive scandal continues to circulate.

“I’ve read so many conspiracy theories,” Bridget Phetasy tells Dave Landau and ¼ Black Garrett.

One such theory is that the Mother’s Day photograph of Kate and her three children was photoshopped to include Kate.

“Is she the floating head?” asks Dave.

Another theory is that “[Kate] is missing” because she’s “a non-royal,” and “bad things happen if you don’t marry your cousin,” says Bridget.

Supposedly, Kate’s royal duties will resume following Easter, however.

“A Kensington Palace announcement on January 17 [stated] that Kate Middleton had undergone a planned abdominal surgery ... and would not take part in royal duties until after Easter,” reads Dave.

“I guess she’ll rise again,” he jokes.

To hear the cast’s theories on Kate Middleton’s mysterious withdrawal from society, watch the video below.

Want more 'Normal World'?

To enjoy more whimsical satire, topical sketches, and comedic discussions from comedians Dave Landau and 1/4 Black Garrett, subscribe to BlazeTV — the largest multi-platform network of voices who love America, defend the Constitution, and live the American dream.

HILARIOUS: BlazeTV comedian roasts Biden’s SOTU address — 'His cabinet? What is it, Imodium and Tylenol?

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“Every time you find humor in a difficult situation, you win.”

If this proverb is true, then Dave Landau won big last night with his commentary on Biden’s State of the Union address.

It’s an understatement to say the president’s speech was “a difficult situation” — a cataclysmic nightmare is perhaps a better descriptor. All the more credit to Dave.

Somehow, his comedy was able to bring light to Biden’s droning monologue about increased funding for Ukraine, enshrining abortion, and the danger of Trumpers, among other subjects.

Before the address even began, Dave set in on Sleepy Joe, first pointing out the president’s tardiness.

“Do you think they pulled over at a gas station and they're changing him on a Koala table?” he asked, adding that Biden’s doctor was probably preparing him for the speech by hooking him up “to a morphine drip, except it has to be meth.”

As for the audience members, Dave said, “What I love is what [Biden’s] done with diversity. Like, if you look at the room right now, it looks like a Joseph A. Bank fitting room in Salt Lake City.”

“Usually when there's this many well-dressed 80-year-olds in a room, somebody's getting embalmed,” he added.

Biden’s cabinet didn’t escape Dave’s caustic humor either.

“His cabinet? What is it, Imodium and Tylenol?”

As the president made his way to the podium, the audience erupted in applause. To that, Dave asked, “What are you clapping for? That he hasn’t fallen?”

“The only way that he could look more … ‘with it’ is if Mitch McConnell opens for him and closes with a stroke.”

And that’s just before the speech began.

To hear seven hilarious minutes of Dave’s best moments from last night’s SOTU roast, watch the clip below.

Want more 'Normal World'?

To enjoy more whimsical satire, topical sketches, and comedic discussions from comedians Dave Landau and 1/4 Black Garrett, subscribe to BlazeTV — the largest multi-platform network of voices who love America, defend the Constitution, and live the American dream.

Hilarious! Comedian Dave Landau ROASTS candidates after 4th GOP debate

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Comedians are known for being truth-tellers, and Dave Landau is no exception — especially when it comes to his post-debate analysis.

Glenn Beck found Landau’s roast-style analysis “strangely spot-on” following the fourth GOP debate hosted by Megyn Kelly and News Nation.

“They did have better etiquette than usual, but I’ve still seen more manners at a fist fight at Golden Corral,” he tells a laughing Glenn.

One moment Landau seems to remember fondly is the sign Vivek made, which was a piece of paper with “NIKKI = CORRUPT” scribbled across it.

“He didn’t have time to do a bad drawing of her,” Landau laughs before showing Glenn that he made some signs as well.

“Chris Christie + current eating habits = diabetes,” one sign reads. “Nikki Haley + two more years = hot flashes and night sweats,” reads another.

He even went after the originator of the sign method, Vivek.

“Vivek + fake hate crimes = Hasan Minaj,” he reads, holding the sign proudly for the BlazeTV team.

He didn’t spare DeSantis either.

“DeSantis + shoe lifts = DeSantis,” he reads.

But the roast doesn’t end there.

“I think Vivek could be a good attack dog, I just don’t see him as a president. He just seems a kind of nerdy kid you’d invite to a party just so when he passes out you could draw genitals on his forehead,” he jokes.

As for Nikki Haley, “she just looks like an actress who’s about to lose a lot of work. Like she’s right at that level.”

And while others believe DeSantis won the debate, Landau sees it a different way.

“DeSantis is coming off less to me like a strong presidential candidate and more like an angry WNBA coach who’s down by 40 in the half,” he says, adding that while he likes him, “he just seems like he’s very mad at, like, his high school daughter.”

Want more from Glenn Beck?

To enjoy more of Glenn’s masterful storytelling, thought-provoking analysis, and uncanny ability to make sense of the chaos, subscribe to BlazeTV — the largest multi-platform network of voices who love America, defend the Constitution, and live the American dream.

Is Obama gay? Here’s what 3 comedians have to say about it

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Dave Landau, ¼ Black Garrett, and Mike Eshaq all have one thing in common: they love to make jokes, especially when those jokes poke fun of the people responsible for the political nightmare plaguing the country.

But their recent conversation about Barack Obama’s sexuality was 100% serious — although there was plenty of humor thrown in there too.

They watched a clip of Tucker Carlson discussing Obama’s explicit dealings with Larry Sinclair in 2008.

“You know, in 2008, it became really clear that Barack Obama had been having sex with men and smoking crack. And a guy came forward [Larry Sinclair] and said, 'I'll sign an affidavit.' And he did. 'I'll take a lie detector.' And he did. 'I smoked crack with Barack Obama and had sex with him,”’ Tucker says.

“Well, that was obviously true, [but] nobody reported it, not because they were squeamish about sex or drugs, but because the Obama campaign said anyone who reports from this gets no access to the Obama campaign,” Tucker continues.

“Now, we're just, like, hanging on the whole gay thing. I want to know more about the crack s**t,” says Eshaq.

“He wrote in his diary or, I guess, or in his book ... about how he fantasized about having sex with men,” Dave says. “I know he used to hang out with a lot of people in Chicago in the '70s that were very, uh, loose with drugs.”

Want more Normal World?

To enjoy more whimsical satire, topical sketches, and comedic discussions from comedians Dave Landau and 1/4 Black Garrett, subscribe to BlazeTV — the largest multi-platform network of voices who love America, defend the Constitution and live the American dream.

Dave Landau joins Glenn Beck to discuss his new show, 'Normal World,' and Beck can’t stop laughing

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Dave Landau and 1/4 Black Garrett’s new comedy show, "Normal World," debuts tonight, and it’s sure to generate mass hilarity.

Glenn Beck certainly thinks so. As he and Dave discuss the show, Beck cannot help but break into hysterical laughter.

Beck calls Landau’s dark and cynical sense of humor “the only way [he] can deal with” the craziness of the world. Viewers are sure to agree when they watch skits like the "Barbie" parody.

The two share a laugh about Dave’s recent response to his son’s declaration that he finally knows what he wants to be when he grows up. Dave tells his son, “Look, it doesn’t matter. I know you don’t watch the news because you’re eight, but just enjoy the moment because you’re not going to make it ... nobody’s going to make it.”

A tad dark — but undeniably funny and relatable.

Beck and Landau banter over a range of subjects, including Hunter Biden’s recent charges, the conundrum that is Chuck E. Cheese, Chat GPT, and marriage, among other topics.

Beck asks Dave whether or not it’s difficult to produce comedy in a world where something that seems ludicrous very well could happen the next day. “Is it hard to do a comedy show now because life is parody?” he asks. “You make up some crazy idea, and it’s funny. It happens tomorrow!”

Dave admits that he’s quite polarizing; some are charmed by his dark humor while others just get angry. For example, his joke that he “has a boy ... for now” will inevitably be met with both hysterical laughter and sneering animosity.

Beck, for one, finds Landau’s schtick entertaining, to say the least. Watch their interview below. And don’t forget to tune in for the debut of "Normal World" tonight at 10 p.m. EST!

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