Scientific American attacks Jay Bhattacharya for prioritizing Americans' autonomy over 'the science'

Scientific American, a 179-year-old magazine published by the German-British Springer Nature Group, appears increasingly keen to dirty itself with politics rather than engage in clean science.

Just weeks after Laura Helmuth stepped down as the magazine's editor in chief after an ugly rant in which she effectively called over 77.3 million Americans who voted for President-elect Donald Trump both "fascists" and "bigoted," and months after the magazine pushed gender ideologues' pseudoscientific narrative, Scientific American published a piece claiming that Trump's choice of Dr. Jay Bhattacharya to run the National Institutes of Health is "the wrong move for science and public health."

Extra to insinuating that Bhattacharya was not actually censored during the pandemic and arguing that the destructive approach championed by the scientific establishment during the pandemic was not authoritarian, the author of the piece, Steven Albert, concern-mongered that Trump's pick might prioritize Americans' personal autonomy if confirmed as head of the NIH.

Debate over therapeutics, health protocols, and the origin of COVID-19 was stifled during the pandemic. Bhattacharya, among the experts whose views were suppressed at the urging of Biden health officials, refused to uncritically accept the prevailing wisdom of medical establishmentarians who advocated for lockdowns, vaccine mandates, masking for kids, and other ruinous COVID-19 policies.

Bhattacharya, a professor of health policy at Stanford University, co-authored the Great Barrington Declaration, which suggested that geriatrics and other higher-risk groups should engage in shielding, whereas healthy individuals should "immediately be allowed to resume life as normal." According to the declaration, healthy individuals were better off catching the virus and developing natural immunity.

Scientific establishmentarians keen on coercive medicine and blanket lockdowns attacked Bhattacharya for proposing this alternative approach. President Joe Biden's former chief medical adviser Anthony Fauci called the declaration "total nonsense." Former National Institutes of Health Director Dr. Francis Collins conspired to issue a "quick and devastating takedown" of Bhattacharya's criticism.

In the weeks since Trump announced that Bhattacharya would "restore the NIH to a Gold Standard of Medical Research," establishmentarians have resumed their attacks on the esteemed epidemiologist both at home and abroad.

'Pitting personal autonomy against the application of science to policy is fine for vanity webcasts and think tanks.'

Steven Albert, Hallen chair of community health and social justice at the University of Pittsburgh's School of Public Health, jumped on the bandwagon, griping in the pages of Scientific American about Bhattacharya's criticism of the "authoritarian tendencies of public health" and his advocacy for turning "the NIH from something that's sort of how to control society into something that's aimed at the discovery of truth to improve the health of Americans."

"The claims of authoritarianism are a screen for pushing a particular agenda that is likely to damage the NIH. Bhattacharya's science agenda is political: to set concerns for personal autonomy against evidence-based public health science," wrote Albert. "This is not appropriate for NIH leadership."

Albert expressed concern that Bhattacharya's apparent prioritization of Americans' God-given and Constitution-secured rights over health policy might prompt him to take a stand against "enforced vaccine requirements for children attending public schools" or perhaps even against the introduction of fluoride in drinking water, which the National Toxicology Program recently admitted can cause mental retardation in kids at the exposure levels seen in various places around the country.

"Pitting personal autonomy against the application of science to policy is fine for vanity webcasts and think tanks, but inappropriate for NIH leadership. If he would rather focus on promoting personal autonomy in pandemic policy, perhaps he is being nominated to the wrong agency," wrote Albert.

Albert further suggested — in the pages of a magazine that not only platformed the claim on the heels of a rushed vaccine rollout that "there is no question that the current vaccines are effective and safe" but also echoed the discredited thesis of a paper in its sister journal that the COVID-19 virus likely had zoonotic origins — that Bhattacharya's critical views "are one more unfortunate legacy of the COVID pandemic."

Albert defended the failed pandemic policies that Bhattacharya previously criticized, claiming that "science supported school closures, work-from-home policies, large gathering restrictions in public spaces, and face mask requirements as effective ways to lower hospital surges and buy time for vaccine development."

The "science" that Albert trusted in the case of school closures clearly needed the kind of second-guessing advocated by Bhattacharya, given that the closures put multitudes of school children years behind in math, reading, science, and general learning and have been linked to massive spikes in mental illness, suicide, and obesity.

After making the grossly ahistoric claim that "it is not authoritarian to use science for policy" and accusing Trump of dealing in falsehoods, Albert claimed that "income inequality and access to health care," not "authoritarianism in science or public health," were responsible for the devastation wreaked upon the country during the pandemic.

Albert wrapped up his hit piece by complaining about Bhattacharya possibly decentralizing the agency's functions and shifting NIH grant funding to the states; banning dangerous gain-of-function research and experiments using aborted baby parts; and depoliticizing science.

In response to Bhattacharya's nomination last month, Matt Kibbe, BlazeTV host of "Kibbe on Liberty" and "The Coverup," which recently featured the epidemiologist, noted, "Jay Bhattacharya was deemed a 'fringe epidemiologist' by former NIH Director Francis Collins, who demonized him for asking obvious questions about the government's authoritarian response to COVID. Now, Jay will take the helm at NIH and clean house of all those who corrupted public health and did so much damage to Americans during the pandemic. Karma is a b****."

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Defense Sec. Lloyd Austin to undergo procedure Friday evening

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin is slated to undergo a procedure on Friday, the Pentagon noted in a statement.

The deputy defense secretary was slated to take on the role of acting defense secretary during the procedure, the statement noted.

'The secretary has determined he will be temporarily unable to perform his functions and duties during the procedure.'

"Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III will undergo a scheduled, elective, and minimally invasive follow-up non-surgical procedure related to his previously reported bladder issue at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center later this evening," the statemen from Pentagon press secretary Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder notes.

"The secretary has determined he will be temporarily unable to perform his functions and duties during the procedure, so Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks will assume the functions and duties of the secretary of defense and serve as the acting secretary of defense," the statement notes.

Austin underwent a prostatectomy late last year.

This year he was admitted to Walter Reed on January 1 and remained there for some time before being released later that month.

He was admitted to Walter Reed again the next month.

"Secretary Austin was admitted to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center on Feb. 11 with discomfort and concern from a bladder issue related to his December 2023 prostate cancer surgery. His condition indicated a need for close monitoring by the critical care team and supportive care. His diagnostic evaluation identified the cause of his bladder issue and it was corrected with non-surgical procedures on Feb. 12," Dr. John Maddox and Dr. Gregory Chesnut noted in a statement that was included in a February 13 Pentagon press release. "The bladder issue was not related to his cancer diagnosis and will have no effect on his excellent cancer prognosis."

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DEI class at UCLA's medical school sets up future doctors to fight the patriarchy and accept 'weight loss is useless'

After the death of George Floyd, the University of California's David Geffen School of Medicine mandated that all first-year students take a DEI course titled "Structural Racism and Health Equity."

The course does not provide students with insights into better suturing techniques, healing methods, disease detection, biochemistry, or other conventionally useful medical skills. Rather, its stated purpose is to endow prospective physicians with a "structurally competent, anti-racist lens for viewing and treating health and illness."

The course recently made headlines after a guest lecturer who celebrated the Oct. 7 Hamas terror attacks led students in chanting, "Free, Free Palestine," as well as in pagan earth worship. It appears its contents are similarly provocative.

According to a course syllabus and corresponding documents obtained by the Washington Free Beacon, students will learn about

  • how Western societies and the medical profession are supposedly racist;
  • how morbid obesity "came to be pathologized and medicalized in racialized terms";
  • the apparent connection between "ableism" and "heteropatriarchy, white supremacy, colonialism and capitalism";
  • the supposed positives of sex-change mutilation;
  • the apparent value in abolishing prisons;
  • "how race and class contributes to a patient's ability to access and receive gender-affirming care"; and
  • the "role of healthcare workers within community organizing and protest."

Jeffrey Flier, the former dean of Harvard Medical School, told the Beacon the mandatory course "promotes extensive and dangerous misinformation.

The university "has centered this required course on a socialist/Marxist ideology that is totally inappropriate," continued Flier. "As a longstanding medical educator, I found this course truly shocking."

Slides from the first session make clear that the aim is to transform future doctors into progressive activists.

A section entitled "Our Hxstories" reportedly adds that "[h]ealth and medical practice are deeply impacted by racism and other intersectional structures of power, hierarchy, and oppression — all of which require humility, space and patience to understand, deconstruct, and eventually rectify."

Another reading provides potential doctors with a list of demands to echo, including calls for a cancellation of Third World debt; state-controlled agricultural policies responding "to people's needs and not to the demands of the market"; state control and taxation of speculative international capital flows; gender, equity, and environmental impact assessments for all economic polices; and an end to "growth-centered economic theories."

Last month, Ben Shapiro noted that students in the course "are told to read about wars of 'Indigenous resistance' — in which Native Americans killed thousands of white people — to 'imagine what liberation could look like.'"

South African billionaire Elon Musk said of the course documents, "This is messed up."

Students at the medical school whose DEI czar was just outed as a likely plagiarist are also given a heavy reading from the self-described "fat liberationist" Marquisele Mercedes that claims that "weight loss is a useless, hopeless endeavor" and that the "relationship between weight and health is also muddy."

Mercedes, a grad student based in New York City, intimates in her quasi-autobiographical rant that an aversion to morbid obesity — a term she partially censors — is rooted in racism.

"This is a profoundly misguided view of obesity, a complex medical disorder with major adverse health consequences for all racial and ethnic groups," said Flier. "Promotion of these ignorant ideas to medical students without counterbalancing input from medical experts in the area is nothing less than pedagogical malpractice."

The former Harvard Medical School dean stressed that whoever signed off on the curriculum was unfit to make such decisions.

"There are areas where medicine and public health intersect with politics, and these require discussion and debate of conflicting viewpoints," Flier told the Beacon. "That is distinct from education designed to ideologically indoctrinate physician-activists."

Nationally syndicated radio host and co-founder of Blaze Media Glenn Beck recently highlighted how the medical profession watchdog Do No Harm has revealed "23 of America's top 25 medical schools now have anti-racism instruction as the core part of their curriculum."

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Woke medicine KILLS: 10 examples of how DEI is creating the next public health crisis

The left’s woke agenda is chock-full of phony public health crises – racism, climate change, inaccessible “gender-affirming care.”

But there’s a real public health crisis on the horizon, and it goes by the name of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

DEI, which Glenn Beck calls “a sick cancer,” has “infiltrated our medical schools, our doctors, and our health care,” and the results will be nothing short of devastating.

“Do No Harm” – an organization founded on the principle of “protecting health care from the disastrous consequences of identity politics” – has revealed that “23 of America's top 25 medical schools now have anti-racism instruction as the core part of their curriculum.” And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Here are ten examples (although there are countless more) of how DEI is a festering blight on the medical field:

1. First-year medical students at UCLA were required to attend a lecture as part of their “mandatory course on structural racism.” The guest speaker who delivered the speech prayed to “Mama Earth” while she had students “get on their hands and knees” before “she led the students in chanting ‘free, free Palestine,”’ according to the Washington Free Beacon.

2. In February of this year, a man named Dante King – “a guest faculty member of the University of California at San Francisco School of Medicine” – “delivered a lecture titled, ‘Diagnosing Whiteness and Anti-Blackness: White Psychopathology, Collective Psychosis, and Trauma in America.”’ Here’s just one quote from King’s lecture:

The historical record has well documented white people's narcissistic personality disorder and insecurities, along with their internalized distortions, fear, and perversions about African people. In their relationship with the black race, whites are psychopaths, and their behavior represents an underlying biologically transmitted proclivity with roots deep in their evolutionary history. How many of you could see the proclivity that evolved deep within the evolutionary history of whiteness by show of hands? ... Some people are sitting here, "Oh no I don't want to raise my hand" – that's called denial.

3. “Top-ranked Harvard Medical School has activist courses like ‘Social Change and the Practice of Medicine,’” in which “they’re teaching aspiring doctors how to be important advocates for social change.”

4. At George Washington University School of Medicine, students enroll in courses titled:

  • “‘How to Talk Race, Power, and Privilege in Classroom and Clinical Settings”
  • “Moving Beyond Bystanding … to Disrupting Racism”
  • “Beyond the Binary: Navigating Pregnancy and Affirming Care for People with Diverse Gender Identities”
  • “Confronting U.S. History: We Must End Racism to End Health Disparities”

5. At the Indiana University School of Medicine, “first-year students in basic anatomy classes are taught that gender is a social construct, that sex and gender fall along a continuum rather than being a binary,” and that “man and woman gender types [are] oversimplifications.”

6. Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, New York, established a “diversity task force” that produced a lengthy report demanding that “health care professionals explicitly acknowledge that race and racism are the root of all these health disparities” and that students be trained in “bystander intervention for bias.”

7. Medical students at the University of Minnesota are required to take an oath pledging to “honor all indigenous ways of healing that have been historically marginalized by Western medicine” and fight “white supremacy, colonialism, [and] the gender binary.”

8. In 2022, the president of the American Association of Medical Colleges, David J. Skorton, said: “We believe this topic [diversity, equity, and inclusion] deserves just as much attention from learners and educators at every stage of their careers as the latest scientific breakthroughs. The AAMC, which “forms the accrediting body for U.S. medical schools in the U.S.,” also released a DEI competencies report in 2022 making clear that the institution’s “unquestioning devotion to DEI” would “govern admission standards in medical schools.” The organization even went as far as “[discouraging] schools from using the MCAT admissions test as a way to select medical students,” leading to “dozens of schools [making] the MCAT optional.”

9. The University of Pennsylvania, an Ivy League school, “[guarantees] admission, with no MCAT required, for black students who meet GPA and internship requirements.” These students also “get a 50% discount on tuition.”

10. The majority of medical school applications now “have DEI questions,” including questions regarding “dedication to DEI” and “DEI-related activism,” as part of the screening process. Further, the MCAT itself has been altered to “create more equity in admissions.” “One-quarter of the questions are now about social issues and psychology.” Even the United States Medical Licensure Examination, which allows medical school graduates to practice medicine, has been adapted to be “a pass/fail exam.”

“The one-step exam is usually the biggest decider in selecting applicants for residency in programs, but now numbered scores are not allowed because lower average scores are keeping minorities from getting into competitive residencies,” says Glenn.

While that concludes our ten examples, this doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface of how the malignant cancer that is DEI is infecting the medical industry.

For a deeper dive into the subject, watch Glenn’s Wednesday Night Special below.

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'Neither scientific nor medical': Leaked WPATH files shed light on the horror show that is 'gender-affirming care'

Leaked internal documents from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health have provided damning insights into the pseudo-scientific practice of so-called gender-affirming care along with its ghastly consequences.

According to journalist Mia Hughes' 242-page report, published Monday by Michael Shellenberger's think tank, Environmental Progress, WPATH members "demonstrate a lack of consideration for long-term patient outcomes despite being aware of the debilitating and potentially fatal side effects of cross-sex hormones and other treatments."

Shellenberger, who collaborated on the report with Hughes and Tablet columnist Alex Gutentag, noted on X that the findings are especially troubling as the "American Medical Association, The Endocrine Society, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and thousands of doctors worldwide rely on WPATH. It is considered the leading global authority on gender medicine."

WPATH members quoted in the report can be seen discussing:

  • Giving irreversible medical treatments to mentally-compromised victims incapable of providing consent;
  • The inability of minors to comprehend the long-term consequences of so-called gender affirmation;
  • Putting a gloss on de-transition and post-operation regrets;
  • The narrative that minors should receive hormones or go under the knife because otherwise they'll kill themselves — a popular claim amongst LGBT activists that was shown to be false in a recent Finnish study; and
  • Various debilitating side effects of sex-change procedures.

In one instance, Dianne Berg, a child psychologist at the University of Minnesota who co-authored the child chapter of WPATH Standards of Care 8, admits that it is out of children's "developmental range to understand the extent to which some of these medical interventions are impacting them. They'll say they understand, but then they'll say something else that makes you think, oh, they didn't really understand that they are going to have facial hair."

Canadian endocrinologist Daniel Metzger noted during an internal WPATH panel discussion, "Most of the kids are nowhere in any kind of brain space to really talk about [fertility preservation] in a serious way."

"I think the thing you have to remember about kids is that we're often explaining these sorts of things to people who haven't even had biology in high school yet," added Metzger.

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It's not just prospective child victims who are clueless about what their experimental transmogrification would ultimately entail. One WPATH member noted that parents sometimes sign off without knowing the stakes or what's involved in the medical intervention.

— (@)

The WPATH files also illuminate how some professionals in the sex-change industry appear to be freewheeling without an anchorage in ethics or reality.

One surgeon is quoted as suggesting that affirming surgeries don't have to produce looks and body parts that "exist in nature," even though WPATH condemned Republicans for suggesting that "gender-affirming health care is not experimental."

"I think we are going to see a wave of non-binary affirming requests for surgery that will include non-standard procedures," wrote the California surgeon. "I have worked with clients who identify as non-binary, agender, and Eunuchs who have wanted atypical surgical procedures, many of which either don't exist in nature or represent the first of their kind."

The WPATH files further reveal the nightmarish consequences victims have faced after receiving "gender-affirming care." There are secret stories of hormone-trigger liver cancer; pelvic inflammatory disease; pelvic floor dysfunction; atrophied uteri; painful orgasms; "[erections] feeling like broken glass"; and death.

"The WPATH Files show that what is called 'gender medicine' is neither science nor medicine," Shellenberger said in a statement. "The experiments are not randomized, double-blind, or controlled. It's not medicine since the first rule is to do no harm. And that requires informed consent."

Environmental Progress indicated that it reached out for comment to every WPATH member named in the files and that two responded; one confirming the comments attributed to them and the other pushing back against how their remarks had been interpreted in the report.

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Joe Rogan and Abigail Shrier talk dwindling trust in medical industry

Author and former Wall Street Journal columnist Abigail Shrier recently joined Joe Rogan on “The Joe Rogan Experience” to discuss her latest book, “Bad Therapy: Why the Kids Aren’t Growing Up.”

The overarching theme of Shrier’s book is essentially this: Modern health care, especially in therapy and mental health, is failing kids.

The idea of waning trust in the medical industry as a whole fueled much of the duo’s conversation.

“Before COVID, I had a completely different opinion of the medical establishment,” Rogan said. “My opinion of the medical establishment was that they were there to help people; that’s it. I never questioned it.”

But when the pandemic hit, he quickly discovered that “the whole thing is a money and influence game run by very powerful people.”

“Most sane people now believe … that the CDC doesn't necessarily have your best interests at heart,” and neither does “the NIH,” “the government,” and especially “Joe Biden,” says Dave Rubin.

To hear more, watch the clip below.

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Maine Democrats push bill that would allow state to seize kids from parents preventing them from getting sex-change surgeries

Democrats in Maine are poised to advance legislation that would grant the state emergency jurisdiction over children whose parents refuse to subject them to sex-change mutilations and other confusion-affirming medical interventions. Additionally, it would prevent authorities from reuniting runaways with parents out of state if they traveled to Maine to have their genitals removed.

A judiciary committee hearing was originally scheduled for Wednesday morning to discuss whether to advance LD 1735, the so-called "Act to Safeguard Gender-affirming Health Care." However, the review has reportedly been postponed on account of bad weather and will now be held at 3:00 p.m. on Jan. 25.

The bill resembles "kidnapping" legislation in various Democratic-run states, including Democratic California state Rep. Scott Wiener's SB 107, which made California a so-called sanctuary for child sex-change mutilations.

Should the act pass:

  • courts would be prohibited from considering the abduction of a child from a parent or guardian who has legal custody "if the taking or retention was for obtaining gender-affirming health care or gender-affirming or gender-affirming mental health care";
  • courts will be authorized to "take temporary jurisdiction because a child has been unable to obtain gender-affirming health care or gender-affirming mental health care"; and
  • law enforcement would be barred from participating in the "arrest or extradition of an individual pursuant to an out-of-state arrest warrant" based on laws against the sexual mutilation of children.

"Gender-affirming health care" is defined as "medically necessary health care that respects the gender identity of the patient, as experienced and defined by the patient."

This so-called "care" includes genital mutilations; sterilizing chemical interventions and hormone therapies; and cosmetic surgeries "to align the patient's appearance or physical body with the patient's gender identity."

"Gender-affirming mental health care" is defined thusly: "Mental health care or behavioral health care that respects the gender identity of the patient, as experienced and defined by the patient, including, but not limited to, developmentally appropriate exploration and integration of identity, reduction of distress, adaptive coping and strategies to increase family acceptance."

Children taken from their parents and rendered wards of the state would thereafter have access to state-funded programs that pay down the cost of the irreversible and disfiguring procedures.

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The bill's primary sponsor is state Rep. Laurie Osher, the leader of the legislature's LGBTQ+ Equality Caucus. Its cosponsors are Democratic state Reps. Erin Sheehan, James Worth, Matthew Moonen, Nina Azella Milliken, and Suzanne M. Salisbury and state Sen. Anne Carney.

Ahead of the state judiciary committee's now-postponed meeting Wednesday, the parental rights group Courage Is a Habit ramped up its pressure campaign to "take a chunk out of the Transgender Cult," providing the email addresses of the committee members.

Alvin Lui, president of Courage Is a Habit, told the Post Millennial, "If you're wondering how you got there in Maine, wherever you live ... it's because over time, you've allowed your kindness to be weaponized against you and they kept moving that goalpost and now, even when they're proposing a transgender trafficking bill, they're still using emotional blackmail to try to get you to accept this."

Libs of TikTok highlighted this legislation prioritizing the medicalization of children over parental rights, prompting significant backlash.

Megyn Kelly wrote on X, "This is SICK! Bombard them with emails. This cannot pass."

This is SICK! Bombard them with emails. This cannot pass
— (@)

Mike Davis of the Article III Project noted, "This is clearly unconstitutional under the U.S. Constitution. And the most monstrous bill I've seen in a long time."

Political scientist and legal scholar Carol Swain asked, "Do we really want the state making medical decisions for our children or elderly parents? I don't think so."

"Demonic," wrote Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch.

Other critics suggested LD1735 amounted to a Democratic effort to increase medical tourism to the state and to increase the profits pharmaceutical companies.

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Kentucky woman who lost all four limbs after kidney stone surgery refuses to despair, shares inspiring message

A Kentucky mother of two went to the hospital last month to receive what she figured would be a routine treatment for a kidney stone. Lucinda Mullins, 41, ultimately ended up losing both legs and both arms from the elbows down.

Despite the great misfortune that has befallen her, Mullins has not succumbed to despair. Rather, she has exhibited great perseverance and optimism, focusing on the blessings in her life.

Mullins, who has served her community as a nurse for nearly two decades, told WLEX-TV that after getting treatment for her kidney stone last month, the mineral deposit got infected, resulting in her, in turn, becoming septic — what she referred to as a "perfect storm." She was first rushed to Fort Logan Hospital in Stanford, Kentucky, then taken by ambulance to UK Hospital in Lexington.

Mullins spent days sedated in the hospital until being awoken to learn that she had to have all of her limbs amputated. The alternative was likely death.

"I've lost my legs from the knees down bilaterally, and I'm going to lose my arms probably below the elbow bilaterally," Mullins said. "The doctor I used to work with, he kind of was like, 'this is what they had to do to save your life[;] this is what's happened."

Mullins apparently took the bad news in stride, leaning into her faith and family.

"I just said these are the cards I've been dealt, and these are the hands I'm going to play," Mullins told WLEX. "I'm just so happy to be alive. I get to see my kids. I get to see my family. I get to have my time with my husband."

Mullins noted that if "one person from this can see God from all this, that made it all worth it."

On New Year's Day, Mullins was transferred to Cardinal Hill Rehabilitation Hospital in Lexington to begin her rehabilitation.

At the hospital, her youngest son helped feed her.

At the time of publication, the GoFundMe campaign created for Mullins' medical needs, prosthetics, and adaptive equipment had raised over $183,300 towards its goal of $250,000.

Extra to financial support from friends and strangers alike, Mullins told WLEX she has been overwhelmed by in-person visits and support.

"At one time, I think they told [me] 40 people were in the waiting room here. The calls and the texts, the prayers, and the things people have sent. The little words of encouragement," said Mullins. "I just can't fathom that people are doing things like that for me."

While the nurse from Kentucky has a marathon ahead of her in terms of rehab and therapy, she shared counsel for others sprinting through life: "Slow down. Appreciate the things around you, especially your family. It's OK to let people take care of you."

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Researchers discover 'kill switch' that causes cancer cells to self-destruct in possible medical breakthrough

In a possible medical breakthrough, researchers say they have discovered a kill switch that triggers the death of cancer cells.

Researchers at the UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center believe they have identified a protein on a receptor that can "program" cancer cells to die.

The press release from UC Davis states: "CD95 receptors, also known as Fas, are called death receptors. These protein receptors reside on cell membranes. When activated, they release a signal that causes the cells to self-destruct."

The Daily Mail reported that CAR T-cell therapy "involves collecting and making changes to a cancer patient's T cells, which are responsible for fighting off infection and disease but can struggle to spot cancer cells."

The modified cells are administered to patients' bloodstream through a drip.

"We have found the most critical epitope for cytotoxic Fas signaling, as well as CAR T-cell bystander anti-tumor function,” said Jogender Tushir-Singh – an associate professor in the Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology and senior author of the study published in the Nature journal Cell Death & Differentiation last month.

At the moment, the treatment has only shown efficacy against leukemia and other blood cancers. The engineered T cells have not delivered results for those suffering from solid tumors such as breast, lung, and bowel cancer.

"Despite being decently successful in liquid tumors, such as leukemia spectrum cancers, long-term remission remains the biggest challenge for CAR T-cell therapies," Tushir-Singh told Fox News.

However, researchers believe the potential breakthrough medical treatment could eventually destroy solid tumors.

"Modulating Fas may also extend the benefits of chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy to solid tumors like ovarian cancer," the statement reads.

“Previous efforts to target this receptor have been unsuccessful. But now that we’ve identified this epitope, there could be a therapeutic path forward to target Fas in tumors,” Tushir-Singh added.

However, no CD95-boosting drugs have made it into clinical trials as of yet.

Another major hurdle is price – the treatment reportedly costs $500,000 or more.

Tushir-Singh added, "The next breakthrough is just one experiment away."

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