Mark Levin ROASTS Jane Fonda's radical leftist SAG awards speech

Mark Levin would love nothing more than to dismiss Hollywood as the cesspool it is, but how can he when the Screen Actors Guild robs him every month?

“Those bastards take money out of my paycheck on radio every damn month” because “unfortunately, they have a deal with these major media corporations,” he sighs. “I don't have any choice, so I fund these mutants.”

A couple of weeks ago, at the annual SAG awards, actress Jane Fonda won the Life Achievement Award.

Her acceptance speech was a liberal tirade about politics, empathy, and what "woke" apparently means.

“Make no mistake, empathy is not weak or ‘woke,’ and by the way, woke just means you give a damn about other people. A whole lot of people are going to be really hurt by what is happening, what is coming our way, and even if they’re of a different political persuasion, we need to call upon our empathy and not judge but listen from our hearts and welcome them into our tent because we are gonna need a big tent to resist successfully what’s coming at us,” Fonda said to a cheering audience.

“What is coming at us that you need to resist?” Levin asks. “You’ve had such a tough life as a multimillionaire in Hollywood.”

“She's part of the resistance. And what is she resisting this time? The American people,” he mocks. “I guess she likes fraud and bloat in the federal government. I guess that's okay with her.”

Levin recalls Fonda’s earlier days when she “backed the communists who were killing American troops in Vietnam” in 1972.

“They used her in a propaganda movie where she was having a joyride on an anti-aircraft weapon,” he says, adding sarcastically, “I'm sure she deserved this award.”

“I made my first movie in 1958. It was the tail end of McCarthyism, when so many careers were destroyed. Today, it’s helpful to remember, though, that Hollywood resisted. We did. Overseas brave American producers, like Hannah Weinstein, hired blacklisted writers,” Fonda continued in her speech.

“You know who else? Ronald Reagan when he was a Democrat,” but “his name will never cross her lips,” says Levin.

“She's always looking for a cause — the oppressors versus the oppressed. Not one damn word about Hamas or Hezbollah, not one damn word about what Iran is doing, including to its own people, not one damn word about communist China and the Uyghurs and the Christians and others that they're murdering and raping and torturing because Hollywood is bought and paid for by communist China,” he says.

To hear more of Levin’s commentary, watch the clip above.

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Mark Levin SLAMS Maddow’s cries of racism in wake of Reid exit: ‘That says something about you, doesn’t it, Rach?’

MSNBC (or MSLSD if you’re Mark Levin) has finally made a good decision: It fired Joy Reid, American media’s number-one misinformation-spreader, race-baiter, and radical left-wing propagandist.

If the network is wise, it’ll make another good decision and fire Rachel Maddow for her suggestion that Reid’s ousting was a result of racism and not due to Reid’s lies, unhinged tirades, and the fact that nobody watched her show.

“It is unnerving that on a network where we’ve got two — count them, two — non-white hosts in prime time, both of our non-white hosts in prime time are losing their shows … and that feels worse than bad, no matter who replaces them. That feels indefensible, and I do not defend it,” Maddow said.

“Joy Reid said the most racist and bigoted things time and time and time again, and she said it in a way that was not just provocative but could motivate people to do horrendous things,” says Levin.

And yet, Maddow claimed that “there is no colleague for whom [she has] had more affection and more respect than Joy.”

“I love everything about her; I have learned so much from her; I have so much more to learn from her,” she insisted.

“Now that says something about you, doesn’t it, Rach?” mocks Levin, noting that Maddow, who’s gay, must not know that Reid used to post anti-gay statements back when she was a blogger.

“[Maddow] is a self-righteous know-nothing. Joy Reid is a cancer in the body politic; she is a poison in the broadcast media,” he condemns.

And if Maddow really wanted to make a point, she could always quit.

“If I thought Blaze was racist or anti-Semitic, would I be here? If I thought Fox was racist or anti-Semitic, would I be there?” Levin asks rhetorically.

“You have in this country what’s called free will. … If you really believe that that network is racist, then leave,” he says.

But given that Maddow does one show a week to the tune of $25 million, what are the chances of that happening?

To hear more of Levin’s commentary, watch the clip above.

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Mark Levin SHREDS Bernie Sanders’ anti-Elon Musk argument

What the Department of Government Efficiency under Elon Musk is accomplishing is nothing short of miraculous. Finally, the people understand the waste, fraud, and corruption surrounding the spending of their tax dollars. Now, our hard-earned money can go toward chipping away at our ghastly national debt, be funneled into causes that actually advance American interests, or perhaps even come back to the taxpayers.

Who could argue with that?

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), that’s who.

He’s “one of the worst people to crawl over the planet,” says Mark Levin, and his defense of continuing a “bloated, centralized government” is proof.

Given Sanders’ radical socialist and Marxist ideology, his vehemence for Musk and the DOGE is predictable.

CNN’s Kaitlan Collins recently teed Sanders up for one of his infamous rants when she asked him who the administrator of the DOGE is.

“The issue is not who is technically the administrator, who has the title. Elon Musk is clearly running the show. Wealthiest person in the world who has enormous conflicts of interests, who is helping to fund right-wing extremist organizations all over the world, who is looking forward to getting massive tax breaks from Congress,” Sanders replied.

“So what if he's the wealthiest person in the world? That makes him possible to do what he's doing,” says Levin.

And the truth is, Sanders doesn’t have a problem with powerful billionaires.

His problem with Musk is that he’s “no George Soros,” whose billions have worked to “tear down this country.”

And as for Sanders’ claim that there are conflicts of interest, Levin asks, “How is he protecting his interests by slashing government?”

Further, of his $350+ billion net worth, only a tiny fraction of that comes from government contracts, which Levin calls “chump change.” And truthfully, these contracts are less about Musk expanding his empire and more about the government “[needing] his technology.”

To Sanders’ ignorant claim that Musk funds “right-wing extremist organizations,” Levin says that the radical socialist is “trying to give you the impression that they're Nazis” when the truth is Musk “supports political parties that are traditional, that are conservative, that are to the right of most of the parties in Europe.”

Levin then dismisses Sanders’ whining about Musk getting tax breaks from Congress as nothing more than a red herring.

“That has nothing to do with what he's doing with DOGE,” he says.

And besides — “Don’t you want massive tax breaks?” he asks. “I watch this, and I say, yes! Give me massive tax breaks; slash the waste, fraud, and abuse! ... Slash the debt, slash the spending that's going on, and give me my freaking money back!”

To hear more of Levin’s commentary, watch the clip above.

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Ironic: Lefties who called the Constitution racist are the same ones now crying about a ‘constitutional crisis’

When their “Trump is a dictator” narrative failed to secure the election for Kamala Harris, the left then took up another narrative: We’re in a “constitutional crisis.”

With every move President Trump makes, we find the left crying about violations to our Constitution, which are as bogus as they are ironic.

After all, aren’t these the same people who called our Constitution a racist, white supremacist document?

“I thought we were told through [Critical Race Theory] ... that the men who wrote the Constitution were white slaveholder supremacists — plantation owners to be ignored,” says Mark Levin. “I could have sworn they said the Constitution was a white man's document intended to keep all other people down.”

For example, they told us that “the Electoral College was there because of slavery,” Levin recalls, noting that it “has absolutely nothing to do with slavery.”

They pointed at the “Three-Fifths Clause” — a former section in the Constitution that determined “slaves [would] be counted as ⅗ of a person” — as further evidence that the Constitution was a racist document when in fact, “it was a compromise with the North,” which “put [the Three-Fifths Clause] in there to prevent the South from having too many members of the House.”

“They said, ‘You can't treat blacks this way and then jack up your numbers in the House of Representatives; you say they’re property, but then you say they’re people for the purpose of empowering yourselves,’” Levin corrects.

These were the faulty arguments the left was bringing to the table a few years ago, but now that Donald Trump is back in office, suddenly the Constitution is a document they care so much about protecting.

“Now they wave it around — ‘Ah, look at the Constitution, the Constitution!’ — which they hate, which they despise, including the men who wrote it, adopted it, and ratified it,” says Levin.

To hear more of his commentary, watch the clip above.

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Mark Levin explains the battle of the DOGE vs. the Swamp

Part of the mandate given to President Trump by the American people was to reduce the size of government and rid it of rampant corruption. And that’s exactly what he’s doing via the Department of Government Efficiency headed by Elon Musk. The agency has already unearthed shocking waste in numerous federal agencies.

However, at every turn, the DOGE is met with resistance from the swamp. Less bureaucracy and less spending means a smaller, weaker swamp, and it’s not going down without a fight.

The fight has come in the form of lawfare.

“We have this subterranean government” built by the Democrats and enabled by establishment Republicans that’s “defending every inch of this bureaucracy and every misspent penny,” says Mark Levin.

Even though the DOGE just revealed that the U.S. Treasury spent $4.7 trillion in untraceable payments, including Social Security payments to ineligible, dead, and nonexistent people, still this subterranean government is “bringing suit after suit after suit … in cherry-picked communities — that is, heavily Democrat communities with Democrat federal district judges, who are, in most cases, giving them what they want to slow down the progress, to kill the momentum, to stop [the DOGE] from looking at the data,” he explains.

“This cabal of radical left-wing judges, which is really a super-legislature,” Levin says, may claim that it’s the Trump administration and the DOGE that are violating the Constitution, but the truth is plain: There’s no federal law stopping the executive branch from auditing itself or looking at its own data.

There is, however, ample evidence that the actions taken by these lower courts are indeed unconstitutional.

“It's the courts that are out of their lane and out of control,” says Levin, pointing to John Bates, a Bush-appointed district judge, who recently “ordered the HHS and the CDC to put language back on their websites” as just one example.

What are federal judges, after all?

They’re “unelected” “lawyers in black robes” who preside over specific districts, Levin reminds us.

“A single federal district judge shouldn't be able to issue a nationwide anything!” he says. “But that's what they're doing. So in addition to stepping into areas where they have absolutely no authority as a federal judge, they're issuing rulings that are nationwide, where they also have absolutely no authority.”

“So who is it that's violating the Constitution?” he asks. “At some point, the Supreme Court is going to have to get involved” and stop this “nonviolent insurrection.”

To hear more of Levin’s analysis, watch the clip above.

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Mark Levin finds the PERFECT quote to capture the swamp

The left, crying about democracy being at stake, is doing whatever it can to thwart Donald Trump’s agenda by attacking Elon Musk and the DOGE.

Liberals may say that what Trump is doing is unconstitutional, but Mark Levin knows the truth: Donald Trump “has a right to run the executive branch,” including matters of employees and spending, however he sees fit.

“He doesn't have an obligation to give a rubber stamp to what the prior administration did with discretionary spending; he doesn't have an obligation to keep every single employee that he inherits when he comes into office,” he says.

Regardless, the swamp is employing lower courts to wage lawfare against President Trump in an effort to tangle his MAGA agenda up in lawsuits, thereby stopping, or at least slowing, the mandate.

However, “The courts don't have the power to run the executive branch,” says Levin, calling the notion “a clear violation of separation of powers.”

So if these “unelected judges, who are all lawyers,” can’t constitutionally stop the president from fulfilling his fundamental duties, what’s this all about?

Well, what it really comes down to is survival. The swamp is not going down without a fight.

Donald Trump ran on the promise to shrink the size of government and to root out bureaucratic corruption. While the people cheer (this is what they’ve long wanted), Democrats spiral into panic, Levin explains.

“This fraudulent spending, these missing monies, the corruption, the grift — this is what they've created,” he says.

Nothing captures the Democrats better, he says, than the following quote from French economist Frédéric Bastiat: “When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.”

Levin then explains how the deep-state politicians and bureaucrats have made plunder their way of life. They’ve created a legal system for it via radically left-wing activist judges and a moral code that glorifies it via the government-subsidized media.

So the swamp may cry that “democracy is at stake,” but in truth, the only thing that’s at stake is the swamp’s way of life.

To hear more of Levin’s analysis, watch the clip above.

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Mark Levin made up a new word just so he could better describe MSNBC’s Joy Reid

There are a lot of despicable talking heads in the media, but none so vile as MSNBC’s Joy Reid — “America's number-one bigot,” says Mark Levin.

In fact, Levin’s distaste for Reid recently culminated in the creation of a new word when she lied about Donald Trump and his attempts to get illegal immigration under control.

Upon hearing her claims that the Trump administration is “making a show” of mass deportations, Levin coined the term "hemorrhoidic” — that is, “a human hemorrhoid” — to better describe how he sees Reid.

“I made it up. I like it,” he admits.

Reid, he says, is “so left-wing, she's a bleeding hemorrhoidic.”

On a recent episode of “The ReidOut,” she ignorantly claimed that “the Trump administration is making a show of its enforcement of mass deportations literally by conducting ICE raids across multiple Democratic-run cities with the cameras rolling.”

Rubbish, says Levin.

Number one, ICE is “focused exclusively on the worst criminals who have arrest warrants out.” We should be celebrating our streets getting safer by the day. Number two, “How many Republican-run cities are there?” And number three, “On CNN, Fake Tapper said all these people are picking lettuce.” Now we’re admitting that they’re primarily in the cities?

Reid’s complaint went on: “It follows Trump's performative signing of more than 300 executive orders, at least 21 of which aim to overhaul the immigration system.”

Again, Levin throws the flag.

“Wait a minute, didn't they say we couldn't do that? We needed bipartisan legislation?” he asks, referring to Biden and Democrats’ claims that only an act of Congress could fix the border.

“[Trump] is overhauling the immigration system with 21 executive orders the way Biden unraveled, undermined, usurped the immigration system with 94 executive orders?” he asks, pointing out the hypocrisy.

Reid also whined about the video footage capturing ICE raids and the fact that Dr. Phil was invited to accompany border czar Tom Homan on one particular raid. “The reality show government went so far as to tell federal agents in immigration raids to be camera-ready and brought none other than TV host Dr. Phil along for the ride, which is interesting given both the rise in MAGA immigration influencers they're seemingly endorsing and the fact that Dr. Phil has made a career out of exploiting vulnerable people for money.”

“I thought you did that, actually,” Levin retorts. “Dr. Phil is making a living. This is what he does.”

Further, “What's wrong with telling them to be camera-ready? They're saying you're on camera, so watch what you do, be careful. Don’t they tell her to be camera-ready?” he asks.

To hear more of his commentary on Joy Reid and the Trump administration’s excellence when it comes to fixing Biden’s border crisis, watch the clip above.

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Mark Levin applauds Stephen Miller’s epic takedown of Jake Tapper’s illegal immigration narrative: ‘Who’s going to pick the lettuce?!’

Leftists love to clutch their pearls over the illegal immigrants who harvest our crops, but they never want to talk about the ones who commit violent crimes, the ones who peddle drugs throughout the country, or the ones who are just on the taxpayer dole with no intention of ever contributing to the system.

“We just let 20 million people in here; 325,000 kids are missing,” and yet Democrats continue to worry about “who’s going to pick the lettuce,” sighs Mark Levin.

CNN’s Jake Tapper is one of those liberals. Thankfully, White House Deputy Chief of Staff Stephen Miller didn’t let him get away with perpetuating the narrative that the majority of illegal immigrants are working on farms.

Levin plays the clip of Tapper’s humiliating experience being schooled with facts on his own show.

“The Department of Agriculture says that between 2020 and 2022, 42% of crop workers were undocumented immigrants,” Tapper began. “How does President Trump make sure that the effort to deport people who are not in this country legally doesn't end up hurting Americans who want safe borders, absolutely, but also don't want to see even more higher prices in groceries?”

“I'm sure it's not your position, Jake, you're just asking the question, that we should supply America's food with exploitative illegal alien labor,” Miller said with a not-so-subtle hint of sarcasm.

“Only 1% of alien workers in the entire country work in agriculture. The top destination for illegal aliens are large cities like New York, like Los Angeles. ... None of those illegal aliens are doing farm work,” he corrected.

When Tapper accused him of changing the subject, Miller only got more lethal:

“The illegal aliens [Joe Biden] brought in are from Venezuela, from Haiti, from Nicaragua. They are not doing farm work. They are in our cities collecting welfare. As for the farmers, there is a guest worker program that President Trump supports. Over time, as well, we will transition into automation, so we'll never have to have this conversation ever again.”

“But there's no universe in which this nation is going to allow the previous president to flood our nation with millions and millions of illegal aliens who just get to stay here, and we are especially not going to allow a subset of those illegal aliens to rape and murder our citizens, so we are going to unapologetically enforce our immigration laws, and as I'm sure you will celebrate, we are going to unleash the power and might of the U.S. government to eradicate the presence of transnational threats on our soil.”

All the while Miller was delivering this epic jeremiad, Tapper’s brows were knitted together; he stacked and re-stacked papers with a painful grimace on his face.

Levin can’t help but laugh at how Miller easily obliterated the leftist narrative that all illegal immigrants are farm workers all while hinting at the notion that Tapper supports exploitative illegal alien labor and doesn’t care about the dangers facing American citizens.

He then breaks down how most foreigners in our agricultural industry are actually doing work legally via work visas. To hear it, and see the footage of Tapper’s brutal schooling, watch the clip above.

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Mark Levin explains why Tim Kaine is TERRIFIED of Trump’s federal buyout offer

Donald Trump’s buyout offer to two million federal workers as part of his initiative to return to in-person work has Democrats scared. If government employees take the offer, that means their precious bureaucracy will shrink.

One Democrat who’s literally begging federal workers to resist the offer is Senator Tim Kaine (D-Va.). Like most Democrats, he’s built his argument on the stale premise of “Trump is a liar.”

“My message to federal employees who received this is, yeah, the president has tried to terrorize you for about a week and then gives you a little sweetheart offer — if you resign in the next week, we're just going to pay you for doing nothing for the next seven months. Don’t be fooled! He's tricked hundreds of people with that offer. If you accept that offer and resign, he'll stiff you just like he stiffed the contractors,” Kaine said.

Mark Levin, however, says Kaine is the only one who’s lying.

“It's a generous offer,” he says of Trump’s buyout plan.

Further, working for the bureaucracy is already an abuse of the system.

“If you go into government at the age of 25, you can retire at 45. A lot of people do, and then they work for defense contractors or other federal employees, so that's what they call double dipping, and you get medical coverage for the rest of your life” as well as a pension that matches wherever your salary topped out, Levin explains. “That's why a lot of people go into the government.”

Many of these federal workers, he says, are just “moving paper” but nonetheless reap the “enormous” benefits of working for the bureaucracy.

For example, “Maybe they'll live in Maryland, which is a fairly high tax state,” and as soon as they retire, “they move to a no-income tax state,” he says, adding that “Florida is filled with local, state, and federal bureaucrats who have retired.”

“It’s kind of perverse when you really think about it,” says Levin.

He then tells a story about being confronted at a local diner by one of these individuals — a former New York teacher who moved to Florida following his retirement and then had the audacity to condemn the state’s conservative leadership.

“I let this son of a b**** have it,” says Levin. To hear the story, watch the clip above.

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In celebration of CNN departure, Mark Levin revisits Jim Acosta’s WORST moment

Mark Levin is doing his happy dance after CNN anchor Jim Acosta, a vehement Trump critic, has left the network where he’s worked since 2007.

Levin says he won’t miss watching Acosta “[destroy] press conferences” and act in ways that can only be described as “truly obnoxious.”

But for memory’s sake, he watches an old clip from a 2018 press conference, in which Acosta attempted to start a debate over illegal immigration with President Trump.

“The caravan was not an invasion. It’s a group of migrants moving up from Central America towards the border. Why did you characterize it as such?” Acosta fired at President Trump.

When Trump calmly responded that he considered the caravan an invasion and that they had a difference of opinion, Acosta accused him of “[demonizing] immigrants” and whined about a “campaign ad showing migrants climbing over walls.”

Trump responded, “Honestly I think you should let me run the country; you run CNN, and if you did it well, your ratings would be better” before he tried to move on to other reporters. Acosta, however, continued to interject and talk above others even when President Trump told him “that’s enough” numerous times.

Levin was and still is disgusted by the reporter's unacceptable behavior.

“They never did this to Obama; they certainly never did it to Biden; they would never do it to a Democrat; they’d never do it to a liberal Republican,” he says.

“[Acosta] is monopolizing the entire event. This is a press conference. What's the point of a presidential press conference? It's to inform the American people; it's not to get into a debate,” Levin condemns. “Jim Acosta is not interested in gleaning information for the American people; he's interested in making news.”

“It’s so wonderful that he’s gone from CNN, and hopefully he’s gone forever from journalism,” he adds.

Trump’s social media post following Acosta’s departure reveals that he feels the same way as Levin: “Wow, really good news! Jim Acosta, one of the worst and most dishonest reporters in journalistic history, a major sleazebag, has been relegated by CNN Fake News to the Midnight hour, 'Death Valley,' because of extraordinarily LOW RATINGS (and no talent!)," he wrote on Truth Social.

To see the footage of Jim Acosta’s worst moment in his career, watch the clip above.

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