Texas AG Ken Paxton files suit against Colony Ridge for fraudulent practices, but Blaze Media has known the truth for some time

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Yesterday, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton filed suit against the massive real estate development northeast of Houston known as Colony Ridge.

According to the suit, Colony Ridge’s owner John Harris has “built a sprawling community northeast of Houston on a foundation of false, misleading, and deceptive sales, marketing, and lending practices.”

“Colony Ridge's business model is predicated on churning land purchasers through a foreclosure mill. Namely, Colony Ridge targets foreign born and Hispanic consumers with limited or no access to credit with promises of cheap, ready to build land and financing without proof of income," the suit claims.

While Paxton’s lawsuit will likely awaken many around the state, and even the nation, about the glaring crisis that is Colony Ridge, Blaze Media has known the truth for some time now.

Earlier this year, Glenn Beck and the Blaze Originals team traveled to Colony Ridge, Texas, and met with Harris as well as some of the residents who call the development home.

What they found will disturb you to your core.

Watch "The Real Story of Colony Ridge," a Blaze Originals documentary, below.

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