Former pool boy reveals explicit details of how Jerry Falwell Jr.'s wife allegedly enticed him with sex and claims the former Liberty University president watched: 'They're freaks'

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A former Miami pool boy is dishing explicit details about the affair he had with former Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr.'s wife, Becki Falwell. An upcoming book and documentary breathed new life into the world-rocking scandal that started 20 years ago.

Falwell Jr.'s fall from grace happened in 2020 when Reuters exposed the affair between his wife and a pool attendant. Falwell Jr. was forced to resign as president of Liberty University – one of the largest Christian universities in the world.

The former pool boy – Giancarlo Granda – is publicizing scandalous revelations of the longtime tryst from 20 years ago to promote a new book and documentary film.

"They have a public image, but behind the scenes, they're freaks," Granda said in the trailer for the upcoming Hulu documentary "God Forbid: The Sex Scandal That Brought Down a Dynasty."

Granda previously worked as a pool attendant at the Fontainebleau Hotel in Miami Beach. While working as a pool boy on March 13, 2012, Becki Falwell allegedly began flirting with Granda – who was 20 at the time.

Granda said he had no idea who the mysterious older woman was.

"As a pool attendant, I would get hit on," Granda added. "But if I would have known that accepting this woman’s invitation to go back to her hotel room would have led to a scandal involving the president of the largest Christian university in the world, and the president of the United States, I would have walked away and just enjoyed my private life."

Of the first time meeting her, Granda described Becki as in "her mid-forties, attractive, fit, and very charismatic."

He claimed that Becki told him, "Oh, these girls don’t know what they’re doing. You need someone older."

He responded by flirting back.

In his upcoming book “Off the Deep End: Jerry and Becki Falwell and the Collapse of an Evangelical Dynasty," Granda wrote, "It all seemed innocent enough, but then near the end of my shift, she asked me to sit down next to her on the daybed, where nobody could hear us, and in a conspiratorial tone asked me, 'Hey, do you want to come back to my room?'"

Granda alleged that Becki informed him, "There’s just one thing . . . My husband wants to watch.”

After Granda purportedly hesitated on the offer to have an affair with a married woman, Becki allegedly reassured him, "Oh don’t worry, he’ll hide in the corner and watch us. That’s his thing. You won’t even know he’s there."

Granda wrote in his book, "By way of explanation, she said that she and her husband had visited Miami Velvet, a local swingers club in Doral. A lot of swingers stayed at the Fontainebleau, so Miami Velvet was well known to all of us who worked there."

Granda claimed that he met the couple at a Days Inn later that night for the rendezvous.

"Jerry lay on the one closest to the door, dressed, but with his jeans unbuttoned and fanned open so you could see his underwear; shoes off, with his shirtsleeves rolled up to the elbows," Granda alleged in his book.

"I kissed Becki, and she was practically vibrating," Granda said. "I picked her up and carried her over to the second bed. She was surprisingly light. She wasn’t wearing any panties, which is the kind of thing that makes an impression on you at twenty, and she half whispered, 'Our rule is anything but intercourse.'"

Granda said after the sexual encounter Becki "was buzzing, electric, and Jerry continued to giggle with excitement."

The next day, Granda said that Becki called him to have another sexual tryst, and he agreed.

The Miami romp led to a six-year affair.

Granda said Falwell's children "had no idea that their dad liked to record his wife having sex with me."

Falwell even made Granda a business partner.

The Falwells have not denied Granda's allegations of an affair with Becki, but Jerry said he was not part of the relationship. The Falwells alleged that the former pool boy attempted to extort them to keep their secret quiet.

You can watch the trailer for "God Forbid" below.

God Forbid: The Sex Scandal That Brought Down a Dynasty | November 1 | Hulu

Jerry Falwell Jr. sues Liberty University, arguing the school damaged his reputation

Jerry Falwell Jr. has sued Liberty University for defamation and breach of contract, arguing the prominent evangelical institution where he used to serve as president needlessly injured and damaged his reputation through a series of public statements after forcing him to resign.

What are the details?

In the complaint filed Wednesday in the Virginia Circuit Court in Lynchburg, Falwell also claims that university officials accepted what Falwell alleges are false claims about his involvement in an extramarital affair between his wife and a former business partner without investigating the matter.

"When Mr. Falwell and his family became the targets of a malicious smear campaign incited by anti-evangelical forces, Liberty University not only accepted the salacious and baseless accusations against the Falwells at face value, but directly participated in the defamation," the lawsuit says, according to the Associated Press. "This action seeks redress for the damage Liberty has caused to the reputation of Mr. Falwell and his family."

The AP reported that the lawsuit even alleges that "Liberty's actions are antithetical to the teachings of Christ."

"We attempted to meet several times with the Liberty University Board of Trustees Executive Committee but were unsuccessful in doing so. Thus, we were forced to seek remedy for Mr. Falwell's ongoing injuries and damage to his reputation through the Court," Falwell's attorney, Robert Raskopf of Quinn Emanuel, added in a news release.

Falwell added in the news release: "Other than God and my family, there is nothing in the world I love more than Liberty University. I am saddened that University officials, with whom I have shared so much success and enjoyed such positive relationships, jumped to conclusions about the claims made against my character, failed to properly investigate them, and then damaged my reputation following my forced resignation."

Liberty spokesman Scott Lamb told the AP that the school would formally respond to the matter after reviewing the complaint.

What's the background?

Falwell stepped down from his university post in August after former pool attendant turned Falwell business partner, Giancarlo Granda, went public with allegations of an affair with the former president's wife, Becki Falwell. Granda claimed that he engaged in regular sexual encounters with her over the course of several years — and that Falwell would often look on.

Falwell admitted the affair happened but has denied any personal involvement in the matter. He also accused Granda of attempting to extort him for years prior to the public accusation.

Pressure had been mounting for Falwell to resign even before the allegations, however. He agreed to take an indefinite leave of absence in early August after making headlines for a since-deleted Instagram post showing Falwell with his arm around his wife's assistant as both of them displayed their pants partially unzipped.

Falwell captioned the post, writing, "More vacation shots. Lots of good friends visited us on the yacht. I promise that's just black water in my glass. It was a prop only."

Shortly after Falwell's departure later that month, the university announced it was opening an independent probe into his tenure as president.