The School Choice Programs Democrats Hate Have Saved Taxpayers Up To $45 Billion When families receive an ESA, which is typically around half of what the state spends per public education student, the state saves money.
AZ School Choice Program Makes Homeschoolers Jump Through Absurd Bureaucratic Hoops Arizona's ESA program has decided that notebooks and writing utensils are not essential classroom materials for homeschooled children.
Letting Grizzlies Terrorize Ranchers Is Climate Crazies’ Next Anti-Civilization Crusade By maintaining endangered species protections on the growing bear population, lawmakers are enabling grizzlies to threaten communities.
School Choice Takes State Houses By Storm In 2023 Legislative Sessions The momentum is continuing in 2023 with historical achievements advancing school choice in several red states.
School Choice Is The Catch-All Solution To Public Education’s Endless Problems School choice operates under a single premise: Parents know their child’s unique needs, desires, and interests better than anyone else.