Putin prosecutes Navalny– just as Joe Biden is attempting with Trump

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Alexei Navalny has long been the face of Russian opposition to President Vladimir Putin, and now he’s behind bars. The 47-year-old blogger survived poisoning with a nerve agent before being thrown in prison for “extremist” activities.

Mark Levin believes that the way Donald Trump is being treated isn’t much different from Putin’s treatment of Navalny.

“Alexei Navalny was a very wealthy man. Self-made. Not one of these phony oligarchs. And he believed in democracy, and the free press, and he would rally people to these causes,” Levin explains.

Nalvany’s sentence has been extended to 19 years.

“They went in front of a judge appointed by, well, Putin. Much like the judge in the Washington, D.C., case was appointed by Obama,” Levin notes.

“I want to tell you what it sounds like to me, and the parallel between what Biden and Putin have done to their leading political opponent. The use of the state, the use of prosecutors, the use of friendly judges, the use of long sentences, for the threat of long sentences,” Levin says, alleging that Putin and Biden are treating political opposition similarly.

“Biden’s doing exactly the same thing to Trump,” he adds.

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