Caitlin Clark attacked on and off the court; critics accuse her of ‘white privilege’

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Caitlin Clark was on the receiving end of a hard foul from Chicago Sky guard Chennedy Carter during her WNBA game on Saturday — and it seemed the attack was for no apparent reason.

While no one is sure what prompted the attack, Sunny Hostin of “The View” has a theory.

“I do think that there is a thing called pretty privilege, there is a thing called white privilege, there is a thing called tall privilege, and we have to acknowledge that,” Hostin began.

“And so, part of it is about race because if you think about the Brittney Griners of the world, you know, why did she have to go to play in Russia, because they wouldn’t pay her,” she concluded.

Lauren Chen agrees that there is such a thing as pretty privilege and tall privilege but does not agree with Hostin’s comments about race.

“I think tall privilege is especially going to help you in the WNBA, but I just don’t understand the obsession with automatically, we have to make it about race. From what I understand, it seems like Caitlin Clark is measurably just a better player than these other women, regardless of what their race is,” Chen says.

“I think it’s just a lot easier to say, ‘Oh, well you’re only making it because you’re white,’ then just admit that ‘Yeah, you’re actually better than these other players,’” she adds.

While Chen disagrees with Hostin’s take, "The View" cohost isn’t alone in her views.

Jemele Hill also called Caitlin Clark’s fame “problematic” and about “race and sexuality.”

“We would all be very naive if we didn’t say race and her sexuality played a role in her popularity,” Hill told the L.A. Times. “While so many people are happy for Caitlin’s success — including the player; this has had such an enormous impact on the game — there is a part of it that is a little problematic because of what it says about the worth and the marketability of the players who are already there.”

“Well, maybe marketability is in part based on performance,” Chen comments. “And it kind of seems like Caitlin Clark is just a better performer regardless of her race or her sexuality.”

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Like empires before us, we have lost our cultural confidence and moorings, increasing the risk of being overrun by newcomers.

Museum warns that paintings of the British countryside can evoke 'dark nationalist' feelings

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A British museum owned by the University of Cambridge recently tried to shake things up, moving around its displays and providing new signage. In an apparent spasm of self-awareness, the director of the Fitzwilliam Museum denied that his new "inclusive and representative galleries" were "woke." This denial, of course, prompted greater scrutiny.

It turns out the university's 208-year-old collection has been reshuffled and augmented in the service of a leftist agenda — one that seeks to repurpose art as propaganda and takes issue with too great a historical appreciation for the country that was England.

Luke Syson, the director of the Fitzwilliam Museum, shared with the campus paper Varsity in 2021 his apparent contempt for European civilization and its fruits, including his institution and the art that hangs therein.

"[The Fitzwilliam] has collections of material that were considered [historically] as belonging to the category of art, as belonging to civilizations that were deemed to be part of the chain of being that led to our own glorious civilization," Syson told the paper. "Despite the fact that European artists were annexing or citing artwork from Africa, it wasn't regarded as being part of the narrative the Fitzwilliam wanted to tell."

Richard Fitzwilliam was an Anglo-Irish nobleman who effectively founded the museum upon his death, conveying his extensive art collection and library to the University of Cambridge.

According to Syson, the narrative embraced by his long-dead benefactor "was a white, European, male-dominated history of art."

"And even if I thought that was acceptable, the rest of the world doesn't and I don't either," added Syson. "What I would really like us to be doing is to make sure that our public spaces are populated in the right way with works of art that we are commissioning and creating now. ... So we are creating an environment, in Cambridge, say, where you don't walk into colleges and see no people of color, no women: we're actually representing people."

Syson has gotten his way.

The Telegraph reported that the museum has dispensed with chronological displays since art history failed to conform with the inclusivity requirements of the day.

Accordingly, a contemporary black artist's painting of an interracial family will serve as an apparent check on the 18th-century painter William Hogarth's painting of a merchant family in a room now called "identity."

Barbara Walker, a contemporary painter and race obsessive, has her work featured in the same room as centuries-old classics.

Other artists, including John Singer Sargent, were shoehorned into exhibits on the basis of their supposed sexual preferences or immutable characteristics.

"I would love to think that there's a way of telling these larger, more inclusive histories that doesn't feel as if it requires a pushback from those who try to suggest that any interest at all in [this work is] what would now be called 'woke,'" said Syson.

Rebecca Birrel, the woman responsible for overseeing the shuffle, said, "Something I've been very conscious of, doing this particular rehang, is that you want to provide the audience with stories without being overly didactic or determining the meaning of artworks. It's just trying to provide possible readings, possible ways in, rather than definitive explanations."

"You want the work to have the space to speak for itself," added Birrel.

Despite Birrel's suggestion that she doesn't want to be didactic and Syson's aversion to being labeled woke, it is clear from the museum's new signage that they have failed on both counts.

The Telegraph noted that the sign for the nature gallery at the museum — where one can find the beloved English painter John Constable's 1820 "Hampstead Heath" — states, "Landscape paintings were also always entangled with national identity."

"The countryside was seen as a direct link to the past, and therefore a true reflection of the essence of a nation," continues the sign. "Paintings showing rolling English hills or lush French fields reinforced loyalty and pride towards a homeland."

"The darker side of evoking this nationalist feeling is the implication that only those with a historical tie to the land have a right to belong," added the sign.

The sentiment echoes that recently expressed by the British leftist environmental outfit Wildlife and Countryside Link, which suggested to parliamentarians in November that "racist colonial legacies continue to frame nature in the U.K. as a 'white space' and people of color as 'out of place' in these spaces and the environmental sector."

The group also claimed that "it is White British cultural values that have been embedded into the design and management of green spaces and into society's expectations of how people should be engaging with them."

British Home Secretary Suella Braverman, the daughter of migrants from Kenya and Mauritius who indicated last year that multiculturalism has failed, responded by underscoring, "No, the countryside is not racist. ... More left-wing identity politics, victimhood & division. Not everything needs to be about race."

The administrators at the Fitzwilliam Museum are evidently of a different mind, and it's not just those green hills and plains that raised generations of Britons that they figure are at issue.

The sign for the "identity" gallery denigrates many of those depicted on the paintings within, claiming that the portraits of uniformed and wealthy sitters were "vital tools in reinforcing the social order of a white ruling class, leaving very little room for representations of people of color, the working classes or other marginalized people."

The Telegraph highlighted that a portrait of the very man responsible for the museum, Fitzwilliam, is among the condemned. The label for his portrait notes that his wealth "came from his grandfather, Sir Matthew Decker, who had amassed it in part through the transatlantic trade of enslaved African people."

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Microsoft under fire over revelation its white employees earn less than their black, Asian, and Hispanic counterparts

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Critics of DEI have highlighted an apparent celebration of race- and sex-based discrimination in Microsoft's annual "Diversity and Inclusion Report."

Microsoft proudly noted in the document that its black, Asian, and Hispanic employees earn more than their white counterparts. Additionally, it revealed that female employees earn more than male coworkers operating at the same level and in the same roles.

The possibility that the tech giant is openly engaging in pay discrimination against employees on the basis of their immutable characteristics has prompted condemnation along with calls for legal action.

Lindsay-Rae McIntyre, Microsoft's chief diversity officer, released the company's DEI report on Nov. 1, 2023, stating, "This year's report shows that we continue to be a more diverse Microsoft today than we have ever been. Looking at this year's data as well as our cumulative efforts, it's clear that we are driving positive change."

In the "pay equity" section of the DEI document, Microsoft noted it is "committed to the principle of pay equity. Pay equity accounts for factors that legitimately influence total pay, including things like job title, level, and tenure. Our pay equity analysis adjusts for these factors in support of our commitment to pay employees equitably for substantially similar work."

According to the document, as of September 2023, all American "racial and ethnic minority groups who are rewards eligible combined earned $1.007 total pay for every $1.000 earned by US rewards-eligible white employees with the same job title and level and considering tenure."

Employees are "rewards-eligible" if they have worked for more than 90 days in the fiscal year. Such employees account for roughly 94% of Microsoft's workforce.

The document specifically states that black, Hispanic, and so-called "Latinx" employees working in the U.S. earn $1.004 for every dollar alternatively earned by a "rewards-eligible" white employee.

Asian employees, meanwhile, "earn $1.012 for every $1.000 earned by US rewards-eligible white employees with the same job title and level and considering enure."

This apparent trend of systemic discrimination is not limited to race.

The document indicates that "as of September 2023, inside the US, women who are rewards eligible earn $1.007 total pay for every $1.000 earned by rewards-eligible employees who are men" operating at the same level with the same job title.

Microsoft appears to have been championing these pay deltas for several years. In its 2019 DEI report DEI report, the company noted, "As of September 2019, all racial and ethnic minority employees in the US combined earn $1.006 for every $1.000 earned by their white counterparts."

Blaze News reached out to Microsoft for comment but did not receive a response by deadline.

Libs of TikTok, who drew massive attention to the DEI document Thursday, wrote in response to the report, "HOLY SHLIT. In Microsoft's official 2023 Diversity & Inclusion report, they openly admit that they are paying white people LESS than other ethnic groups in the name of 'pay equity.'"

— (@)

South African billionaire Elon Musk posed the question of whether the practice was legal, to which Libs of TikTok definitively responded: "No."

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission makes expressly clear on its website that "race discrimination involves treating someone (an applicant or employee) unfavorably because he/she is of a certain race or because of personal characteristics associated with race (such as hair texture, skin color, or certain facial features).

The EEOC notes that federal law prohibits discrimination "when it comes to any aspect of employment, including hiring, firing, pay, job assignments, promotions, layoff, training, fringe benefits, and any other term or condition of employment."

America First Legal, former Trump adviser Stephen Miller's nonprofit, said, "This is evidence of blatantly illegal discrimination, if true. If you are a Microsoft employee who is getting paid less because you are white or male, please contact us today."

Michael Seifert, the founder and CEO of the unwoke Amazon alternative Public Square, wrote, "The only 'systemic racism' happening today is against white people."

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Robin DiAngelo beclowns herself in attempt to smear  Sistine Chapel painting as 'perfect convergence of white supremacy'

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Race grifter Robin DiAngelo has made a career out of projecting racism at home and abroad. In a recent podcast, she indicated there is probably no better example than in Vatican City.

While DiAngelo is admittedly ignorant when it comes to the subject matter of at least one of the frescoes in the Sistine Chapel, she is nevertheless convinced that Italian Renaissance artist Michelangelo's masterpiece is peak "white supremacy."

DiAngelo, a supposed expert in the evils of whiteness, appeared last month on a little-known podcast entitled, "Not Your Ordinary Parts." After rehashing her go-to claims about "white fragility," DiAngelo told host Jalon Johnson that she frequently tours around with an image of a 513-year-old fresco in the Sistine Chapel, which she figures for a manifestation of identitarian hubris.

"When I'm doing a presentation, I use a lot of images. You may be surprised that the single image I use to capture the concept of white supremacy is, is, um, Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel — God creating man," said DiAngelo.

While DiAngelo was able to confidently assert that the image she routinely refers to during lectures was racist, she revealed she had no idea what precisely she has been talking about.

"You know, where God is in a cloud and there's all these angels and He's reaching out and He's touching — I don't know who that is," said DiAngelo. "David or something."

The fresco DiAngelo uses in her lectures is called "The Creation of Adam," Adam being the key figure opposite God. In the fresco illustrating the creation story from the book of Genesis, God is depicted as an elderly man reaching to Adam with an outstretched finger, ostensibly giving him life.

"And God is white and David's white and the angels are white," continues DiAngelo. "Like that, that is the perfect convergence of white supremacy, patriarchy, right."

— (@)

"I don't know how you were raised. I was raised Catholic, so I saw many images like that as a child. So I'm sitting in church and I'm looking up and I see these images, I don't think to myself, 'God is white.' But that's, in a lot of ways, it's power," added the race grifter.

DiAngelo has been roundly ridiculed online for her latest comments.

"It's literally called The Creation of Adam!" wrote Reason senior editor Robby Soave.

The Rabbit Hole, fresh off helping to expose billionaire and DEI advocate Mark Cuban's discriminatory thinking, noted on X, "DEI advocates are typically amongst the most race obsessed people you'll ever meet. They mask this obsession by labeling it 'race consciousness' as if that's somehow better. When you are a hammer in search of a nail, all you see are nails; similarly, if you are a Woke in search of racism, all you see is racism."

DiAngelo's knack for finding racism anywhere and everywhere has been a lucrative gig.

Reason noted that the University of Connecticut shelled out $20,000 for DiAngelo to teach at a seminar. DiAngelo, who claims "all white people's households are racist," reportedly bags tens of thousands of dollars just for a few hours decrying imagined racism.

S4 Episode 1: White Fragility with Dr. Robin DiAngelo,

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'Approximately 1,619 Kendis': Ibram Kendi arrives late to debate about quantifying racism, then fails to get the joke

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Anti-white activist Ibram Kendi arrived late to a recent debate regarding the quantification of racism — but just in time to embarrass himself.

The set-up

A political science professor at Kentucky State University suggested in the pages of the National Review last week that intersectionality "is just a badly done 'woke' version of regression analysis."

Dr. Wilfred Reilly wrote that "racism or sexism can only be said to exist where we find that pretty much identical people, who differ only in terms of the characteristic of race or sex, are still being treated differently — after all of the other factors which might explain performance differences between them have been accounted for."

"This sort of real bigotry is, today, fairly rare," said Reilly.

"Many 'intersectional' studies that purport to find giant residual effects of race or sex on some specific thing — individuals' chances of going to prison, let's say — literally just consist of unadjusted comparisons between citizens in two or more different groups," continued Reilly. "This, however, is not how serious people conduct this sort of analysis."

Reilly's assertion prickled one Harvard Ph.D. student who apparently found himself in the unserious camp.

Kareem Carr, a self-described statistician, claimed on X that the argument that racism and sexism "are essentially non-existent because their effects on stuff like income disappear if you control for all relevant variables like education, work history and so on" is wrong.

Having indicated he could explain why Reilly and others were wrong, Carr suggested that "[s]ocial forces like sexism and racism aren't magical. They act through specific mechanisms in the physical world."

After granting sexism and racism special powers, Carr then had his followers imagine that the impact of the "racism" could be tracked and measured.

— (@)

Carr later admitted that it is "hard to frame this issue objectively."

The Kendi scale

Christopher Rufo, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, responded to Carr's post, asking, "What is the scientific definition of 'racism' here? How do you measure it quantitatively? How do you determine the causal influence from racism to intermediary institutions to individual income?"

"With what controls?" added Rufo. "And what is the current quantity of racism in the United States?"

Colin Wright, the evolutionary biologist behind "Reality's Last Stand," had an answer ready for Rufo: "Depends on what units you use. But assuming you're using the Kendi scale, as is standard in the US, then approximately 1,619 Kendis."

Wright clarified, "For those not familiar with the Kendi scale, 1 Kendi refers to the quantity of racism, measured in Kendis, in order to reach 1 Kendi."

Ibram Kendi, originally Ibram Henry Rogers, is the identitarian academic who runs the Center for Antiracist Research at Boston University — the race-obsessed center that recently fired half its staff and is facing an inquiry over allegations of employee exploitation, poor pay, failing to provide any halfway decent research, and a mismanagement of $43 million in donations, according to the Washington Post.

As the inquiry may soon confirm, Kendi's expertise is not managing think tanks but rather in accusing multitudes of Americans of racism. His antidote is, evidently, more racism.

"The only remedy to racist discrimination is antiracist discrimination," Kendi wrote in 2019. "The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination."

The figure Wright used in his joke appears to have been aimed at "The 1619 Project," Nikole Hannah-Jones' fact-averse revisionist history, which spun out a derivative containing direct contributions from Kendi.

Rufo pressed the joke further, writing, "Can't believe we're approaching 1,619 ku of racism in America, in 2024. We need the Department of Antiracism to shut it down—15 days to slow the spread."

On Sunday, Kendi seized upon Wright's days-old joke, writing, "In your imaginary, racism does not exist but the 'Kendi scale' does exist? I am not familiar with the 'Kendi scale' but I am familiar with racism."

"I suspect this is one reason why people like this become propagandists. It is easy to deny reality and make things up," added Kendi.

— (@)

Colin Wright responded to Kendi, "It's just a joke dude."

Wright later noted with apparent glee, "Kendi thought my post about measuring racism in America using the 'Kendi scale,' which I said came out to '1619 Kendis,' was serious. I even defined the units of the Kendi scale with Kendi-esque circularity."

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'An egregious example': Insider exposed University of Washington's racist practices against white and Asian candidates

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The University of Washington acknowledged late last year that its psychology department zealously discriminated against white and Asian candidates. A spokeswoman for the school provided a critical detail to Newsweek Thursday concerning how precisely the school's systemic racist practices were first brought to light.

Dianne Harris, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, asked the University Complaint Investigation and Resolution office on May 17 to review "possible issues concerning the hiring processes employed in the Department of Psychology."

According to a redacted report issued by the UW Civil Rights Investigation Office, Harris specifically asked whether the race of the candidates had factored into the department's hiring decision pertaining to a tenure track assistant professorship.

A UW spokeswoman told Newsweek that Harris was responding at the time to concerns raised by "an internal whistleblower."

The CRIO report revealed — on the basis of emails, recorded faculty meetings, and an interview — that the department's Diversity Advisory Committee, involved in the hiring process, cajoled the hiring committee into changing their unanimously-decided ranking of candidates for the so-called "Diversity in Development" faculty position. Furthermore, the hiring committee was pressured to alter "the process to provide disparate opportunities for candidates based on their race."

The hiring committee initially narrowed down a field of 84 applicants to five candidates. After further winnowing, the committee identified three viable prospects, which were then ranked on the basis of an unanimous decision in light of their merits. The top candidate happened to be white. The runner-up was Asian. The third pick was black.

Up until this point in the hiring process, the committee had ostensibly adhered to the university's Executive Order 31, prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color, and other immutable characteristics in recruitment, hiring, training and promotions. It was apparently also in compliance with state law, which banned race-based hiring in 1998, and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. However, such fleeting adherence did not produce the result the Diversity Advisory Committee wanted.

In addition to prompting the hiring committee to defend why the "White candidate ended up ranked higher" than the black candidate, members of the DAC suggested it was bad optics not to advance a candidate of a preferred race.

"I was unsettled about the offer-order outcome for the following reasons: First, with three above threshold candidates (Black, Asian, White), it just seemed optically-speaking to look bad that offer #1 goes to the White candidate whom is the most junior and whose research content is less directly and explicitly connected to matters of race/ethnicity," wrote one DAC member.

The same committee member suggested that the acknowledgement the white candidate was the most qualified of the three evidenced "some degree of undetected/unacknowledged bias."

After concern-mongering about bias, the committee member unironically suggested the "faculty constitution" could do with less whiteness. According to the department's "Promising Practices for Increasing Equity in Faculty Searches" handbook — the de facto guide for hiring until the internal whistleblower spoke out — this would be par for the course. After all, the handbook boasted that in the 2020-21 academic year, the department hired non-white candidates for five tenure-track roles.

The DAC chose not to endorse the hiring committee's ranking and ultimately got its way, prompting the hiring committee members to cave and to agree to a revised order where the least-viable candidate was pushed to the front ahead of both the white and Asian applicants. Despite being understood to rank highest on the merits, the white candidate was moved to third.

The National Association of Scholars highlighted that the holdout committee members did not change their minds "about which candidate is most qualified." Rather, the report makes clear they acquiesced regarding the changing of the candidate order for a number of reasons unrelated to the merit of the candidates:

  • "So as not to create a 'Bloodbath' at a faculty meeting";
  • "So the Developmental Area is not accused of 'not prioritizing DEI'"
  • "Because they were worried junior faculty will hear a lot of 'nasty stuff' said at the faculty meeting and wonder if they were hired simply because of their races"
  • "Because they thought it would result in a failed search"; and
  • "Because it was creating personal stress on them, to the point that [name redacted] stated 'I wish I could quit this job' and [named redacted] wrote, 'I cannot condone this search process and do not want to be asked to speak about it in person.'"

Department members involved with the talent search acknowledged that discrimination was afoot, but rather than calling it out, they tried to keep it under wraps.

"I advise deleting the statement below," wrote one department member, "as it shows that [black] applications were singled out and evaluated differently than non URM applications."

The UW admitted in an Oct. 31 announcement that "[r]ace was inappropriately considered in the hiring process even after some faculty received guidance from College of Arts & Sciences and University leadership that such considerations are inappropriate."

Despite this admission and apologies to the "affected candidates," it appears the psychology department nevertheless hired the candidate who had been prioritized on account of their complexion.

"The successful candidate is unquestionably qualified, and we are proud to have them as a valued faculty member in the department and at the University," UW said in a statement. "They had no knowledge of the concerns raised and have our full support and respect, which we have communicated directly."

For its racist practices, the psychology department has been barred from conducting searches for tenured and tenure-track faculty position for two years. All members of the department must also undergo training on how not to violate the law and university policy when conducting searches.

John Sailer, a senior fellow at the National Association of Scholars who pressed the UW in April 2023 for records pertaining to several faculty job searches, including the Diversity in Development search, was set to receive additional staff emails from the UW's public record office last month. However, the university recently indicated it will not release the documents until April 26.

"These requests are processed on a first-in, first-out basis and some are more complicated than others; his request was quite comprehensive, requiring significant review and redaction considerations, and as a result, it is still in progress," the university told Newsweek.

While there may be yet more damning revelations to come, Sailer told Newsweek that the UW report already "shows universities — professors and administrators alike — discriminate with a total sense of impunity."

"It's an egregious example, notable for how much is in writing, but it really is just one more example," continued Sailer. "This kind of discrimination in the name of 'equity' is commonplace, even when blatantly illegal. And that's instructive in light of Students For Fair Admissions."

"Until its investigation, administrators from the university promoted the psychology department's hiring framework, which the university has now deemed to be in violation of its non-discrimination policy," added Sailer. "That's a big reversal."

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Massachusetts' Democratic AG dismisses complaints over Boston mayor's no-whites party; won't investigate

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Massachusetts Attorney General Andrea Campbell (D) has repeatedly claimed that she regards racism and discrimination as unacceptable. It appears, however, there are some instances in which the UCLA graduate is willing to make an exception.

Despite receiving at least four complaints about Boston Mayor Michelle Wu's Dec. 13 race-segregated Christmas party, Campbell's office has indicated everything is hunky dory.

What's the background?

Denise DosSantos, director of city council relations in the mayor's administration, accidentally sent an email last month to all members of the Boston City Council, inviting them to Wu's "Electeds of Color Holiday Party ... at the Parkman House."

DosSantos followed up roughly 15 minutes later to apologize for accidentally sending the invitation to the seven white American citizens on the council.

"I did send that to everyone by accident, and I apologize if my email may have offended or came across as so," wrote DosSantos. "Sorry for any confusion this may have caused."

Outgoing City Councilor Frank Baker — among those councilors whose complexion disqualified him from the intended invite list — told the Boston Herald the decision was "unfortunate and divisive."

Councilor Brian Worrell, among the party's attendees, defended the segregated event, noting, "Elected Officials of Color has been around for more than a decade."

Despite facing criticism over an ostensible return to their party's former ways, the Democrats' went forward with their holiday bash at the Parkman House — with Wu in attendance.

Wu said, "There are many events that are private events for all sorts of groups, so we’ve clarified that and look forward to seeing everyone at one of the dozens of opportunities to celebrate the holidays," reported the Associated Press.

Preferential application of the law

The Boston Herald intimated that the Massachusetts Public Accommodation Law, which is supposed to be enforced by Campbell, might apply to the venue where the race-segregated party was held. After all, the Francis Parkman House is a historic, publicly-owned mansion on Beacon Hill, listed as the mayor's official reception hall.

The accommodation law prohibits "among other things, making any distinction, discrimination, or restriction in admission to or treatment in a place of public accommodation based on race, color, religious creed, national origin, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, deafness, blindness, or any physical or mental disability, or ancestry."

When pressed by the Herald about whether the no-whites party was in violation of the law, Campbell's office answered in the negative "since it was not open to the public."

Rev. Eugene Rivers III, a black Dorchester pastor, did not find the response from Campbell's office satisfactory, telling the Herald the party was "clumsy politics, generational politics."

"Number one. Had any white politicians said they were having some St. Patty's Day event and it was only for the Irish, that would have been called racist by every politician of color in the city council and possibly in the state," said Rivers.

"You can't have two sets of moral political books," continued Rivers. "It's simply hypocritical. And there's just no reason for that."

The pastor stressed that if the Democratic mayor is keen on developing "street cred," it shouldn't come at the "expense of white people."

Although four complaints were filed with the Massachusetts AGO against Wu — three from outside of the state — a spokesman for Campbell said her office "has no open investigation into this event," reported Fox News Digital.

Campbell's reluctance to address Wu's anti-white discrimination has highlighted a disconnect between her past rhetoric and its real-world application.

In 2017, Campbell wrote, "Hateful, racist rhetoric has no place in Boston, a City that proudly celebrates its diversity and has pledged to protect its residents regardless of their race, ethnicity, status, sex, or orientation."

In 2021, she stressed that "[r]acism has no place in our communities or in our government."

In 2022, she claimed, "As Attorney General ... I will not tolerate racism in any form throughout the Commonwealth."

Campbell also pledged not to "tolerate hate or discrimination of any kind in Massachusetts."

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Trump adviser's legal group hits IBM with federal civil rights complaint over race-based hiring practices

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An anti-woke legal group run by former Trump adviser Stephen Miller filed a federal civil rights complaint Tuesday against IBM, noting that there is reason to believe the New York-based tech corporation "knowingly and intentionally violated federal law" by discriminating on the basis of sex and race.

Investigative reporter James O'Keefe shared a video to X Monday wherein IBM CEO Arvind Krishna and other IBM executives can be seen detailing penalties, including termination, for leaders who fail to sufficiently hire on the basis of race and sex.

Miller's group, America First Legal, cited this video in its complaint to the EEOC, indicating that the comments expressed in the video by Krishna and Paul Cormier, chairman of IBM subsidiary Red Hat — and the company's corresponding hiring and procurement practices — contravened Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

This complaint comes just weeks after IBM suspended its ads on X on the basis of disputed claims from the leftist activist outfit Media Matters, now being sued for defamation. IBM claimed at the time it "has zero tolerance for hate speech and discrimination."

A policy of discrimination

The video shared by O'Keefe Monday, apparently recorded in 2021 and shared by a company insider, appears to show Krishna and Cormier admitting to denying workers bonuses and canning executives for failing to discriminate against prospective hires.

"I'm very clear about this. I expect at the executive level, so that is not just my directs, but all executives in the company, have to move forward by 1% on both underrepresented minorities," said Krishna. "Let me say it: Asians in the U.S. are not an underrepresented minority in a tech company. However, others are. Ditto on gender diversity."

"So we take underrepresented and gender. You've got to move both forward by a percentage," the IBM chief executive says in the video. "That leads to a plus on your bonus."

"By the way, if you lose, you lose part of your bonus," Krishna continues. "Paul [Cormier is] held to the same standards. Paul and I have been working together to say, 'Okay, how do we apply those deeper into the organization?'"

Later in the video, Krishna can be heard noting the company's preferred racial and sexual demographics.

Cormier said that "multiple leaders over the last year plus that were held accountable to the point that they're no longer here at Red Hat ... because they weren't willing to live up to the [DEI] standards that we set in this space."

— (@)

The complaint

AFL noted in its letter to EEOC acting Director Timothy Riera, "Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits IBM from discriminating against an employee or an applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin[.] ... However, the evidence is that IBM is knowingly, intentionally, and systematically engaging in such unlawful employment practices."

"Krishna, Cormier, and others in management have embedded immoral and unlawful employment practices into the corporation's culture," the letter alleged.

Extra to referencing the 2021 leaked footage, AFL cited IBM's 2022 ESG report and the company's race-based "Supplier Diversity program" as further evidence of discrimination.

The ESG report detailed the company's "diversity-linked executive compensation" scheme, which links executives' compensation to their ability to hire candidates with preferred immutable characteristics, specifically women, black people, and Hispanics.

The supplier program seeks to prioritize building relationships with "businesses owned and operated by minorities, women, lesbian and gay, veterans, and service disabled veterans, and disabled persons." The company's 2022 ESG report notes that "IBM has committed to dedicating 15% of our first-tier supplier diversity spending to Black-owned businesses by 2025."

AFL requested the EEOC use its discretionary powers to file a "commissioner charge" against IBM and its subsidiary Red Hat.

AFL also penned a letter Tuesday to Krishna, highlighting IBM's alleged unlawful employment practices, unlawful contracting practices, and waste and breach of fiduciary duty.

Gene Hamilton, AFL vice president and general counsel, said in a statement, "Apparently, based on the video and the publicly available material on its website, the senior leadership at IBM is wholly committed to discriminating against Americans as a matter of formal corporate policy. This cannot stand."

Bloomberg Law, which indicated AFL may be setting the groundwork for the legal work of a second Trump administration with this and other initiatives, noted that IBM hadn't responded to a request for comment.

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